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送交者: 不知笔名[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2024-02-06 19:53 已读 3420 次 2 赞  


The Hitchhiker’s Guide搭车指南

The science fiction book that most influenced his wonder years was Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The jaunty and wry tale helped shape Musk’s philosophy and added a dollop of droll humor to his serious mien. “The Hitchhiker’s Guide,” he says, “helped me out of my existential depression, and I soon realized it was amazingly funny in all sorts of subtle ways.”


The story involves a human named Arthur Dent who is rescued by a passing spaceship seconds before the Earth is destroyed by an alien civilization that is building a hyperspace highway. Along with his alien rescuer, Dent explores various nooks and crannies of the galaxy, which is run by a two-headed president who “had turned unfathomability into an art form.” The denizens of the galaxy are trying to figure out the “Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.” They build a supercomputer that after seven million years spouts out the answer: 42. When that provokes a befuddled howl, the computer replies, “That quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you’ve never actually known what the question is.” That lesson stuck with Musk. “I took from the book that we need to extend the scope of consciousness so that we are better able to ask the questions about the answer, which is the universe,” he says.

故事讲述了一个名叫亚瑟·登特的人类,在地球被正在建造超空间高速公路的外星文明毁灭前几秒钟,被一艘路过的宇宙飞船救起。登特和他的外星救援者一起探索了银河系的各个角落,银河系由一个双头总统掌管,他 "把深不可测变成了一种艺术形式"。银河系的居民试图找出 "生命、宇宙和万物终极问题的答案"。他们建造了一台超级计算机,经过七百万年后,这台超级计算机说出了答案:42.当这个答案引起一片茫然的嚎叫时,计算机回答说:"这绝对是答案。老实说,我觉得问题在于,你从来都不知道问题到底是什么。"这一课让马斯克记忆犹新。"他说:"我从书中领悟到,我们需要扩大意识的范围,这样才能更好地提出关于答案的问题,而答案就是宇宙。

The Hitchhiker’s Guide, combined with Musk’s later immersion into video and tabletop simulation games, led to a lifelong fascination with the tantalizing thought that we might merely be pawns in a simulation devised by some higher-order beings. As Douglas Adams writes, “There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”


贴主:不知笔名于2024_02_06 19:54:00编辑
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