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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-27 0:00 已读 3648 次 1 赞  


Bridge Collapse Sends Exporters, Retailers Moving to Contain Business Fallout



在美国东海岸最繁忙港口之一巴尔的摩,一座横跨市外重要贸易运输航道的大桥垮塌,导致航运陷入瘫痪,煤炭运输受阻,零售商、卡车司机和工业企业不得不改变航运路线,以控制这起灾难性事件造成的经济影响。 6park.com

The collapse of a major bridge along a crucial trade corridor outside Baltimore idled shipping at one of the East Coast’s busiest ports, tied up coal shipments and pushed retailers, truckers and industrial firms to reroute shipping volumes to contain the economic fallout of the catastrophic event. 6park.com

周二凌晨时分,一艘集装箱船撞上了巴尔的摩港南面的“弗朗西斯·斯科特·基”大桥(Francis Scott Key bridge),随后巴尔的摩港的船舶交通立刻完全关闭。马里兰州州长Wes Moore说,目前还不知道这个美国东海岸第五繁忙的集装箱港口何时能重新开放。 6park.com

Vessel traffic at the Port of Baltimore was completely shut down immediately after a containership hit the Francis Scott Key bridge just south of port early Tuesday. Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said there was no estimate of when the fifth-busiest container port on the U.S. East Coast would reopen. 6park.com

煤炭出口商Consol Energy表示,公司运营受到干扰,目前正配合美国海岸警卫队的工作。海岸警卫队已在大桥周围设置了一个安全区,不让船只进入Consol Energy的海运码头。 6park.com

Coal exporter Consol Energy said its operations were disrupted and that it was working with the U.S. Coast Guard, which has established a safety zone around the bridge site that has blocked vessel access to the company’s marine terminal. 6park.com

Consol Energy表示:“我们最关心的是所有受影响人员的安全。” 6park.com

“Our primary concern is for the safety of everyone affected,” the company said. 6park.com

港口官员说,有一艘货船和两艘海军后勤船停靠在大桥垮塌封锁区域后方的港口,还有大约20艘船只停泊在巴尔的摩以南的切萨皮克湾。 6park.com

Port officials said one cargo vessel and two Navy logistics ships were at the port behind the area blocked by the bridge collapse while about 20 more were anchored out in the Chesapeake Bay south of Baltimore. 6park.com

根据标普全球(S&P Global)的数据,巴尔的摩港去年是美国第二大煤炭出口港,仅次于诺福克的弗吉尼亚港,约占到去年第一季度出港煤炭货运量的三分之一。 6park.com

The Port of Baltimore was the country’s second-largest gateway for coal exports last year, after the Port of Virginia in Norfolk, accounting for about a third of outbound shipping volumes in the first quarter of 2023, according to S&P Global. 6park.com

在这座大桥附近设有大型配送中心的亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)等企业仍在评估港口关闭、道路封闭和大桥运输中断对运营的影响。但物流专家表示,由于人口稠密的东海岸沿线有大量备用公路和海港,因此该事件造成的更广泛经济影响可能有限。 6park.com

Companies including Amazon.com with large distribution centers near the bridge were still assessing the impact that the port shutdown, closed roads and loss of the bridge would have on their operations. But logistics experts say a broader economic impact would likely be limited because of the large number of alternate highways and seaports along the densely-populated Eastern Seaboard. 6park.com

供应链风险管理公司Everstream Analytics的情报解决方案全球总监Mirko Woitzik表示:“我认为影响将相当有限。”他说,进口商基本上可通过诺福克港、纽约港和新泽西港运输货物。 6park.com

“I think the impact will be rather local,” said Mirko Woitzik, global director of intelligence solutions for supply-chain risk management company Everstream Analytics. Importers will largely be able to route their shipments through Norfolk and the Port of New York and New Jersey instead, he said. 6park.com

根据一份州报告,巴尔的摩港是美国最繁忙的汽车、轻型卡车及重型农用机械和建筑机械港口。根据马里兰州港口管理局(Maryland Port Administration)的数据,去年巴尔的摩港吞吐量大约为847,000辆汽车和轻型卡车。煤炭、液化天然气和废纸是该港口出口量最大的商品,与此同时,进口量最大的商品是车辆、盐、石膏和糖。 6park.com

The Port of Baltimore is the busiest port in the country for autos and light trucks and for heavy farm and construction machinery, according to a state report. It handled about 847,000 cars and light trucks last year, according to the Maryland Port Administration. Coal, liquefied-natural gas and waste paper ranked among the top exports from the port, while vehicles, salt, gypsum and sugar have been the biggest imports. 6park.com

据太平洋商船协会(Pacific Merchant Shipping Association)称,巴尔的摩港去年的集装箱进口量位居全美第10位。 6park.com

It was the No. 10 port in the country last year for container imports, according to the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association. 6park.com

该港口周边地区是一个主要的工业中心。坍塌大桥北入口坡道附近的前Bethlehem Steel工厂被改建成一个占地3,300英亩、名为Tradepoint Atlantic的物流园区,租户包括亚马逊、联邦快递(FedEx)、联合包裹服务公司(United Parcel Service)和安德玛(Under Armour)。 6park.com

The area around the port is a major industrial hub. A former Bethlehem Steel plant near the north entry ramp to the bridge was converted into a 3,300-acre logistics park called Tradepoint Atlantic with tenants including Amazon, FedEx, United Parcel Service and Under Armour.


处理该港口大部分煤炭运输业务的货运铁路公司CSX表示,正在与煤炭客户商讨应急计划。CSX已暂停向该港口运送国际多式联运集装箱。 6park.com

Freight railroad CSX, which handles much of the coal traffic at the port, said it was talking to its coal customers about contingency plans. The carrier suspended its shipments of international intermodal containers into the port. 6park.com

几家汽车制造商表示,仍在监测相关影响,但运营没有中断。 6park.com

Several automakers said they were still monitoring the impact, but that their operations were running. 6park.com

大众汽车(Volkswagen)在附近经营着一家进口和加工工厂,处理大众、奥迪( Audi)、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)和宾利(Bentley)品牌汽车的相关事宜。大众汽车表示,这家工厂位于大桥以南,因此船只仍可进入。该公司一位发言人称:“我们预计船舶作业不会受到任何影响,但由于该地区的交通将改道,卡车运输可能会出现延误。” 6park.com

Volkswagen runs a nearby import and processing facility handling Volkswagen, Audi, Lamborghini and Bentley brand vehicles, but said its seaboard site is south of the bridge and so still accessible to vessels. “We do not anticipate any impact on vessel operations, but there may be trucking delays as traffic will be rerouted in the area,” said a spokesperson. 6park.com

宝马汽车(BMW)一位发言人表示,该公司的进口到港码头也在大桥以南,因此运输不会受到影响。 6park.com

A BMW spokesman said the carmaker’s import terminal is also south of the bridge so its transports won’t be affected. 6park.com

梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)一位发言人说,巴尔的摩港是该公司用于进口的多个港口之一,公司正与物流服务供应商保持密切联系,并在持续关注相关情况。 6park.com

The port is among several that Mercedes-Benz uses for its imports, a spokesman said, and the carmaker is “in close contact with our logistics service providers and are continuously monitoring the situation.” 6park.com

一名亚马逊发言人说,该公司正在评估是否需要将其位于大桥北入口附近的两个履约中心和规模较小的本地分拣中心的业务转移到别处。 6park.com

An Amazon spokesperson said the company is assessing whether it needs to shift operations from its two fulfillment centers and smaller local sortation center near the north entrance to the bridge. 6park.com

工业房地产运营商安博(Prologis)的巴尔的摩市场主管Danielle Schline说,如果一些租户需要其他选择,公司正考虑将他们转移到其他港口的仓库。 6park.com

Danielle Schline, the Baltimore market officer of industrial real-estate operator Prologis, said the company is looking at shifting some tenants to warehouses at other ports if they need alternatives. 6park.com

“我们的许多客户在日常运营中都依赖这座大桥,他们正在应对这一紧急情况,在考虑所有选项,”Schline说。“我们预计该地区的企业可能会依赖更多卡车运输,尽管客户会在可能的情况下迅速将货物转运至纽约港、新泽西港和诺福克港。” 6park.com

“Many of our customers rely on the bridge in their day-to-day operations and are responding to the emergency, looking at all of their options,” said Schline. “We expect area businesses will likely depend on more trucking, although customers are quickly diverting shipments to the New York/New Jersey and Norfolk ports, if possible.” 6park.com

卡车运输公司表示,它们已在与客户讨论通过大西洋中部地区运输货物的延误问题。 6park.com

Trucking companies say they are already talking to customers about delays for shipments moving through the mid-Atlantic region. 6park.com

新泽西州哈登菲尔德货运经纪公司Tucker Company Worldwide的首席执行官Jeff Tucker说,许多卡车运输公司都寻求在巴尔的摩地区周边开辟更广的路线。 6park.com

Jeff Tucker, chief executive of Haddonfield, N.J.-based freight broker Tucker Company Worldwide, said many trucking companies are looking to take wider routes around the Baltimore region. 6park.com

“托运人必须为此做好计划,承运人则必须利用他们现在开始积累的数据和经验,”Tucker说。“这只会延长95号州际公路的通行时间”,并对东海岸主要交通走廊产生连锁反应。 6park.com

“The shippers are going to have to just plan for it, and the carriers are going to have to use the data and experience that they’re beginning to build up now,” Tucker said. “It’s going to just make it longer to traverse the [Interstate] 95 area,” with ripple effects along the major East Coast transit corridor. 6park.com

部分改道运输的货物将是危险品,它们之前要走弗朗西斯·斯科特·基大桥,因为附近的巴尔的摩港隧道不允许这类物资通行,这条隧道是通往95号州际公路的更直接通道。 6park.com

Some of the rerouted shipments will be hazardous materials that had used the bridge because they aren’t allowed in the nearby Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, a more direct path to Interstate 95. 6park.com

“这些卡车现在不得不绕道北上,走一条更长的路线,可能要走695号州际公路,这可能会使更多社区暴露在这些有害物质之下,”西北大学(Northwestern University)麦考密克工程学院(McCormick School)土木与环境工程荣休教授Joseph Schofer说。 6park.com

“Those trucks are now going to have to go around to the north, a longer route probably using I-695, potentially exposing more communities to those hazmats,” said Joseph Schofer, a professor emeritus of civil and environmental engineering at Northwestern University’s McCormick School of Engineering.

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