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双语资讯速览 | 供应短缺导致市场“失控”可可价格突破每吨1万美元
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-27 18:56 已读 3617 次 2 赞  




Russia has started supplying oil directly to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions, further cementing ties between the authoritarian regimes and dealing a new blow to international efforts to contain Pyongyang. 6park.com

俄罗斯已开始无视联合国制裁,直接向朝鲜供应石油,进一步巩固了这两个专制政权之间的联系,并对国际遏制平壤方面的努力造成了新的打击。 6park.com

At least five North Korean tankers travelled this month to collect oil products from Vostochny Port in Russia’s Far East, according to satellite images shared with the Financial Times by the Royal United Services Institute, a UK think-tank. 6park.com

根据英国皇家联合军种研究所(Royal United Services Institute)向英国《金融时报》分享的卫星图像,本月至少有五艘朝鲜油轮前往俄罗斯远东地区的东方港(Vostochny)接收石油产品。 6park.com

The shipments, which began on March 7, are the first documented direct seaborne deliveries from Russia since the UN Security Council — with Moscow’s approval — imposed a strict cap on oil transfers in 2017 in response to Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons tests. 6park.com

这些装运从3月7日开始,是自2017年联合国安理会(UN Security Council)——在俄罗斯的批准下——回应平壤方面的核武器试验、对其油品转移实施严格限制以来,俄罗斯首次有记录的直接海上交付。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月26日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Russia supplies oil to North Korea as UN sanctions regime nears ‘collapse’



The world faces a looming “retirement crisis” that requires a rethink of pensions and working patterns as medical breakthroughs boost longevity, BlackRock chief executive Larry Fink warned on Tuesday in his closely watched annual letter to chief executives and investors. 6park.com

贝莱德(BlackRock)首席执行官拉里•芬克(Larry Fink)周二在其备受关注的致首席执行官和投资者的年度信函中警告称,随着医疗突破延长寿命,全球正面临一场迫在眉睫的“退休危机”,人们需要重新思考养老金和工作模式。 6park.com

Fink, whose prior missives have helped boost interest in shareholder capitalism and climate change, cited UN projections that one in six people globally would be older than 65 by 2050, up from one in 11 in 2019, as he called for increasing global use of capital markets to help workers save for old age. 6park.com

芬克援引联合国的预测称,到2050年,全球将有六分之一的人年龄在65岁以上,高于2019年的十一分之一,他呼吁全球更多地利用资本市场,帮助工人为养老储蓄。他之前的信函帮助提高了人们对股东资本主义和气候变化的兴趣。 6park.com

The BlackRock CEO also warned that the rise of defined contribution pension plans had combined with the growing strain on the social security government retirement programme to leave the US particularly unprepared for a huge increase in the retiree population. 6park.com

这位贝莱德首席执行官还警告称,养老金固定缴款计划的增加,加上社会保障政府退休计划承受的压力越来越大,使美国对退休人口的大幅增加尤其措手不及。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月26日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Larry Fink warns retirement crisis looms for ageing world population



The price of cocoa surged through $10,000 per tonne for the first time on Tuesday, as a dizzying rise in prices caused by poor harvests in Africa accelerates. 6park.com

周二,可可价格首次突破每吨1万美元大关,原因是非洲收成不佳导致的价格涨势加速。 6park.com

Cocoa futures traded as high as $10,080 in New York, more than double their price only two months ago, as traders warned a global shortage of cocoa beans would herald higher price tags for chocolate bars. Prices later fell back to trade at $9,624. 6park.com

可可期货在纽约交易所最高达到10080美元,比仅仅两个月前的价格翻了一番,交易商警告全球可可豆短缺将导致巧克力价格上涨。后来价格回落至9624美元。 6park.com

The market was “out of control”, said Andrew Moriarty, price reporting manager at Mintec, a commodities data group. “Everyone is just bracing for impact.” 6park.com

大宗商品数据集团Mintec价格报告经理安德鲁•莫里亚蒂(Andrew Moriarty)表示,市场“失去了控制。每个人都在准备迎接冲击。” 6park.com

——本文2024年3月27日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Cocoa breaks $10,000 a tonne as shortages squeeze ‘out of control’ market



Israel’s foreign minister has accused the US of undermining hostage negotiations in Gaza, claiming that Washington had made an “ethical mistake” by failing to veto a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the enclave. 6park.com

以色列外交部长指责美国破坏加沙人质谈判,称美国未能否决一项呼吁在加沙地带立即停火的联合国决议是犯了一个“道德错误”。 6park.com

In the latest sign of deteriorating relations between Israel and its most important ally, Israel Katz said the resolution had encouraged Hamas to reject a separate deal to free Israeli hostages it is holding in Gaza. 6park.com

以色列与其最重要的盟友之间关系恶化的最新迹象是,伊斯雷尔•卡茨说,该决议鼓励了哈马斯拒绝另一项释放其扣押在加沙的以色列人质的协议。 6park.com

“Hamas is building on the fact that . . . there will be a ceasefire without it needing to pay a thing,” Katz said in an interview with Israel’s Army Radio. “There was a message . . . to anyone on Hamas’s side that the US does not support Israel as much.” 6park.com

卡茨在接受以色列Army Radio采访时说:“哈马斯正在利用这样一个事实......将会实现停火,而它不需要付出任何代价。有一个信息......正传递给哈马斯方面的所有人,即美国不再像以前那样支持以色列。” 6park.com

——本文2024年3月27日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Israel accuses US of hurting hostage talks

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