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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-22 18:53 已读 3565 次 3 赞  


4月21日凌晨,黄子韬再谈日前音乐节与外国知名DJ“小马丁”Martin Garrix未同台,发文道歉称:


“对于在今晚演出中我最后的一些不当言论,在此向主办方、品牌方、所有观众致以真诚的歉意。身为公众人物,我的言行起到了不好的示范作用,造成了不良影响。为此,我将引以为戒,接受大家的批评和监督,不再有此类情况发生。希望今晚的小插曲,不要伤害到任何人,也不要影响大家的心情,再次感谢大家今晚的到来,祝大家晚安。” 6park.com

For my inappropriate remarks during tonight's performance, I sincerely apologize to the organizers, sponsors, and all the audience. As a public figure, my words and actions have set a bad example and caused a negative impact. Therefore, I will take this as a lesson, accept everyone's criticism and supervision, and ensure that such situations do not occur again. I hope tonight's little incident will not harm anyone or affect everyone's mood. Once again, thank you all for coming tonight. Good night. 6park.com



据了解,事情起因为4月20日举行的上海F1大赛音乐嘉年华,本应同台演出的嘉宾黄子韬和小马丁,最终未能同台。 6park.com

On Saturday, Chinese singer Huang Zitao sparked controversy among fans at the first F1 China Grand Prix music festival, which took place from Friday to Sunday. 6park.com

Huang was supposed to perform with Dutch DJ Martin Garrix on Saturday, according to the performance ticketing system. However, the performance turned out to be Dutch DJ's one-man show. 6park.com

之后,黄子韬吐槽小马丁团队不尊重人,也没有参加彩排。黄子韬表示,自己不认识他,也不在乎,然后骂了一句英文脏话。 6park.com

While preparing for the program, Huang was on live broadcast, during which he complained that the DJ did not turn up for the rehearsal. During the performance slot, the DJ got to the stage in advance. 6park.com

Having completed the rehearsal all by himself, Huang complained that the DJ's team was behaving disrespectfully by not participating in rehearsals and expressed his frustration using some rather untasteful language. 6park.com

另据九派新闻消息,4月20日,上海。格子旗音乐嘉年华上,外国著名DJ 小马丁与黄子韬合作舞台上,仅有DJ一人,黄子韬未登台表演。黄子韬在台下直播称,彩排时只有自己,DJ未出现,表演现场DJ却提前上场。 6park.com

对于此事,小马丁也在社交平台回应称,“开始沟通得很清楚,没有和子韬一起登台的安排。表演当天发现他听到的是不同说法时,尝试了一切可以同台的办法。网上现在流传的视频很伤人心,而且完全不真实。” 6park.com

DJ Garrix, arrived in Shanghai on Sunday morning, said that he loves China and he sees this incident as a case of "misinformation and lies."


21日,活动主办方格子旗音乐嘉年华发文致歉,对于昨晚现场的突发情况深表遗憾,称由于沟通失误和未能确认信息的疏忽,导致艺人方面的误解,向Martin Garrix、黄子韬等所有参与者及受到影响的人道歉。并承诺立即整改,采取一切必要措施,以确保未来不再发生类似事件。

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