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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-05 23:58 已读 3509 次  


TikTok Tells Advertisers It Won’t Back Down as U.S. Ban Looms


约300名媒体高管出席了TikTok的2024 NewFronts活动。

TikTok向数百名广告业高管表示,它将在法庭上对美国即将实施的针对其应用程序的封杀令进行抗争,这一表态旨在缓解广告业的焦虑。为了接触网络消费者,广告客户此前基本忽视了立法者对数据安全的担忧。 6park.com

TikTok told hundreds of advertising executives that it would fight the looming U.S. ban of its app in court, aiming to ease the anxiety of an industry that has largely overlooked lawmakers’ data security concerns in its bid to reach consumers online. 6park.com

“我想让各位知道,我们不会退缩,”TikTok全球商业解决方案总裁Blake Chandlee在周四晚上的简短开场白中说。 6park.com

“I want you to know that we are not backing down,” TikTok’s president of global business solutions, Blake Chandlee, said in brief opening remarks Thursday night. 6park.com

TikTok是在仅限邀请参加的NewFronts活动上向广告客户做出这番表态的,之前还有一则好消息:TikTok与环球音乐(Universal Music)在当天早些时候宣布达成了一项协议,这家唱片公司的音乐将重返TikTok平台。 6park.com

The company’s invite-only NewFronts pitch to advertisers arrived on the back of some good news: TikTok and Universal Music earlier in the day had announced a deal to restore the record company’s music to the platform. 6park.com

不过,就在广告客户和媒体买家喝着薰衣草和接骨木花鸡尾酒的时候,一种可能性依然挥之不去:这可能是TikTok最后一次参加为数字媒体买家举行的年度展会。 6park.com

But as advertisers and media buyers drank lavender and elderflower cocktails, the possibility remained that this would be TikTok’s final year at the annual showcases for digital media buyers. 6park.com

美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)上个月签署了一项法案,意味着如果TikTok的中国母公司字节跳动(ByteDance)无法或不愿意在一年内找到买家,TikTok将被禁止在美国运营。今年早些时候,TikTok曾鼓动其用户发起反对这项法案的运动,指责该法案违宪,并表示将在法庭上发起挑战。 6park.com

President Biden last month signed a bill into law that will ban TikTok in the U.S. if its Chinese owner, ByteDance, can’t or won’t find a buyer within a year. TikTok, which earlier this year encouraged its users to campaign against the bill, has called the measure unconstitutional and said it would challenge it in court. 6park.com

营销业高管表示,封杀TikTok会惹怒许多广告客户,他们在过去几年里已经迷上了TikTok的产品和工具,还有通过TikTok接触让人难以捉摸的Z世代消费者的能力。市场研究公司Emarketer的数据显示,18至24岁的社交媒体用户平均每天花1小时17分钟使用TikTok。 6park.com

A ban would rankle many advertisers, who in the past few years have grown enamored of TikTok’s products, tools and ability to reach elusive Gen Z consumers, marketing executives say. Social-media users aged 18 to 24 spend an average of one hour and 17 minutes a day using TikTok, according to market research firm Emarketer. 6park.com

“广告客户喜欢TikTok,因为他们的目标受众喜欢TikTok,”营销机构VaynerMedia的投资主管Jon Morgenstern说。 6park.com

“Advertisers love TikTok because their target audiences love TikTok,” said Jon Morgenstern, head of investment at marketing agency VaynerMedia. 6park.com

由Meta Platforms、Alphabet旗下的谷歌(Google)以及亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)构成的所谓“三巨头”依然占据美国数字广告市场的最大份额,但包括零售商、流媒体、银行和小型社交媒体企业在内的后起之秀仍在争夺广告客户每年超过2,500亿美元的网络广告支出。 6park.com

The so-called triopoly of Meta Platforms, Alphabet’s Google and Amazon.com still accounts for the lion’s share of dollars spent on digital advertising in the U.S., but newer players including retailers, streamers, banks and smaller social-media businesses continue to vie for the more than $250 billion spent by advertisers online each year. 6park.com

据Emarketer估计,TikTok的美国广告收入今年将增长31%,达到86.6亿美元,占数字广告市场的2.8%。TikTok对其财务业绩不予置评。 6park.com

TikTok’s U.S. ad sales will grow 31% this year to $8.66 billion, accounting for 2.8% of all digital ad spend, according to estimates from Emarketer. TikTok declined to comment on its financial performance. 6park.com

营销业高管称,TikTok已经迅速行动起来,为广告客户提供他们想要的工具。TikTok提供各种类型的广告,包括给用户推送的信息流中加入视频广告,品牌增强现实滤镜等定制广告,还有鼓励用户参与营销活动并发布帖子的品牌话题“挑战”。 6park.com

TikTok has moved quickly to offer advertisers the tools they want, marketing executives say. It offers a range of ad types, including videos that appear in users’ feeds, custom products such as branded augmented reality filters, and branded hashtag “challenges” that encourage users to participate in a marketing campaign and post about it. 6park.com

媒体代理公司Exverus的付费社交业务主管Chris Cheever说:“与其他渠道相比,TikTok在为媒体购买者打造创新工具方面确乎走在了前沿。”Cheever举例称,TikTok在2021年底推出的“创意交流”(Creative Exchange)就简化了品牌与TikTok网红之间的交易。 6park.com

“They really seem like they’re on the cutting edge as far as innovating for media buyers, more than other channels,” said Chris Cheever, director of paid social at media agency Exverus. TikTok’s Creative Exchange, launched at the end of 2021, has helped streamline brands’ deals with influencers on the platform, for example, Cheever said.

TikTok全球商业解决方案总裁Blake Chandlee,摄于2023年。

TikTok贴心的客户管理也进一步吸引了媒体买家,不仅提供源源不断的更新和新素材,还经常让工作人员主动给客户打电话或接听客户电话。营销高管说,在数字媒体购买大量依赖自助服务模式的时代,这无疑是一种体贴周到的做法。 6park.com

TikTok wooed media buyers further with its obliging style of account management, which provides a stream of updates and new materials and often makes staffers available to jump on calls proactively and reactively—a salve in an era when so much of digital media buying relies on a self-service model, marketing executives say. 6park.com

根据《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)看到的一封电子邮件,在封杀法案成为法律后,作为TikTok面向广告业的发言人,Chandlee联系了广告客户,对他们的支持表示感谢,并对未来的工作关系做了承诺。 6park.com

Chandlee, the face of the platform to the advertising industry, reached out to TikTok’s ads clients after the ban bill became law, offering his thanks for their support and committing to working relationships in the future, according to an email seen by The Wall Street Journal. 6park.com

周四晚上,TikTok在曼哈顿下东城的一场300人的媒体盛会上推出了一套新产品和工具,这场盛会与通常吸引广告客户的小型活动和晚宴不同。TikTok表示,将在广告投放位置上给予广告客户更多选择和控制权,同时介绍了与派拉蒙(Paramount Global)和国家冰球联盟(National Hockey League)等客户的新合作关系,并宣布了评估广告客户营销活动是否成功的新方法。 6park.com

TikTok used Thursday night’s 300-person mediapalooza on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, a departure from the smaller events and dinners with which it usually courts ad buyers, to introduce a suite of new offerings and tools. The company said it would give advertisers more choice and control over where their ads can be placed, described new partnerships with the likes of Paramount Global and the National Hockey League, and announced new ways to measure the success of advertiser campaigns. 6park.com

营销高管们说,尽管TikTok可能被封杀,广告客户们依然照常往TikTok平台上投钱,不过有些广告客户已经开始考虑,如果TikTok真的被禁止运营,他们的媒体预算将如何调整。 6park.com

Advertisers have kept a business-as-usual approach to spending on TikTok in the face of its potential prohibition, although some have started to think about how their media budgets would shift if it does come into effect, marketing executives said. 6park.com

这些高管说,无论他们多么欣赏TikTok在年轻消费者中的吸引力,TikTok被禁都不太可能给他们造成深远的痛苦。大多数品牌都选择在社交媒体和数字媒体公司之间均匀地投放广告,带有TikTok风格的广告(倾向于垂直视频和很随意的DIY风格的制作和脚本)在Instagram Reels和YouTube Shorts等其他社交媒体产品中也被频繁使用着。 6park.com

However much they appreciate TikTok’s appeal among young consumers, a ban would be unlikely to cause them significant long-term pains, the executives said. Most brands distribute their ads evenly among social- and digital-media companies, and TikTok-style ads—which favor vertical video and a chatty, DIY-style of production and scripting—already are frequently repurposed for other social-media products, such as Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. 6park.com

“很多人是冲着创作者才用TikTok的,而不是TikTok平台本身,”Exverus的Cheever说。“所以,谁能为创作者提供机会,观众就可能跟谁走。” 6park.com

“A lot of people go to TikTok for the creators who are on there, more than the platform itself,” said Exverus’s Cheever. “So whoever is able to offer those opportunities to creators will probably see that the audience will follow.”

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