Meta to Shut Workplace Tool; Zoom Video’s Workvivo Named Preferred Migration Partner
Meta Platforms正在关闭其商务交流平台Workplace,以优先考虑人工智能和其他投资。
Meta Platforms正在关闭其商务交流平台Workplace,以优先考虑人工智能和其他投资。 Meta Platforms is shutting down its business communication platform Workplace in a push to prioritize artificial intelligence and other investments. Meta的一名发言人在一份声明中说,该公司停止运营该产品是为了集中精力打造人工智能和元宇宙技术,并相信这将重塑工作方式。 6park.comA Meta spokesperson said in a statement that the company was discontinuing the product in order to focus on building AI and metaverse technology, which it believes will reshape work. 6park.comZoom Video Communications表示,其Workvivo平台已被指定为Meta唯一的客户首选迁移合作伙伴。 6park.comZoom Video Communications said that its Workvivo platform had been named as Meta’s only preferred migration partner for customers. Meta表示,Workplace将在两年内逐步淘汰,客户在2025年8月之前仍可照常使用该平台。该公司表示,2025年8月31日之后,该产品将不再运行,但数据在2026年5月之前仍可访问。 6park.comWorkplace will be phased out over the course of two years, Meta said, with customers still able to use the platform as usual until August 2025. The company said the product would no longer function after Aug. 31, 2025, but data would be accessible until May 2026. Meta补充说,将为客户提供账单减免和下载数据的选项。Meta表示,将在未来两年内为Workplace客户提供向Zoom的Workvivo迁移的选项。 6park.comMeta added that it would provide customers billing relief and options to download data. Meta said it would provide Workplace customers the option to migrate over to Zoom’s Workvivo for the next two years. 6park.comMeta在2021年表示,其平台的付费用户已达700万。 6park.comMeta said in 2021 that its platform had reached 7 million paid subscribers. 另一款商务通讯工具Workvivo去年被Zoom收购。 6park.comWorkvivo, another business communication tool, was acquired by Zoom last year.