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送交者: 甜心天星占卜[布衣] 于 2014-01-29 20:06 已读 128 次  


Tell marrige and love
This is a very complicated gua,the marriage palace of gua both has Pisces and Aries. We can tell from the gua that in recent years, gua master has imitate relationship with two men.One must has family.Jupiter and Neptune have triple phase.Gua master herself unmarried,then it must like that she falls in love with a man with family, and this love make her very upset,no result,soon or it's already over. And the other one, the fire as the preferred spirit.falls in wealth palace, that means this man does great help to gua owner's finance.but the tianwang star falls in Aries and punish the Jupiter. so the gua master should have quarrel with this latter men.Though unpleasant, but sun and moon conjunct, gua owner always can encounter some men will help on her wealth,when Jupiter goes into the marriage palace, it's time to marry, it's begining preparing from 2015 and will be able to get marry in 2016.
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