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送交者: mmax[☆一毛神帝☆] 于 2011-05-12 12:33 已读 58 次  


回答: htpc配置求助[求助]  由 soulofpan 于 2011-05-12 10:16

1.) Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811204030
2.) CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 3.0 Ghz
3.) 4GB
4.) 4TB of HD
5.) Windows 7 ultimate Edition (Required to display Chinese Apps correctly)
6.) VMWare Work Station 7.x
7.) Wired to cable wireless router (15MB/2MB)
8.) Power DVD 10.x
9.) Virtual DVD (To play iso DVD movies)
10.) SIIG IC-710012 7.1 Channels 24-bit 96KHz PCI Interface Surround Sound Card (This card has no optical output. Bcz my receiver only has 1 optical input and it is connecting the DVD player, so I need a coax digital output from my PC) www.6park.com

My wife can play the movies in front ground while I can remotely connect to the WinXP VM and doing the download
in the back ground from office during the day, and able to shut it down if I want it too, or power it up with wake on LAN remotely through the router. I alway has something to watch when I got home.

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