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送交者: mmax[☆一毛神帝☆] 于 2011-05-02 0:43 已读 22 次  


回答: come inside pls 由 CBA 于 2011-05-01 20:31

My openfiler has two vCPUs and 2GB of RAM, bridged to Esxi on board Gb Nic. My two Esxi servers each has 16 cores at 2.6ghz. The system is not loaded for the testing. We like to use it to play Oracle RAC for the team(Getting space from the storage team taking too long). Since Openfiler VM so low, RAC is consistently rebooting as CRS heart beat failures. We put openfiler back to physical server now with NIC bonding, problem now is gone. I still can't figured out why just VM openfiler has a slow network. The slow file transfer problem not just between VMs on different Esxi servers, it is the same slow network even transfer to openfiler within the same Esxi VMs.
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