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The wifi bridge to obtain an IP from the landlord's router
送交者: mmax[☆一毛神帝☆] 于 2015-01-15 15:27 已读 93 次  


回答: 无线桥接要在同一个子网下,拉根线去房东的路由最简单 由 我喜欢吃饭 于 2015-01-15 14:22

In this case, it should be the landlord's LAN IP. This IP will be bridge's IP. His router will obtain a IP through the bridge which work as WAN IP. His router connected to the bridge need to set the LAN IP with different subnet than his WAN.

Landlord WAN - Server Provider Internet IP
Landlord LAN -
Bridge IP    - 192.168.1.x (DHCP), best to get static IP
Tenant Router Wan - 192.168.1.x (DHCP)
Tenant Lan IP - 192.168.2.x/
       Wired and Wireless device attached to Tenant's router.

The problem is getting a reliable bridge is expensive.
$700 for a Cisco?
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