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十万火急:Mac OS X + PackageMaker guru
送交者: abcd1234[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2015-01-23 8:38 已读 470 次  


我的软件(support both Windows OS and Mac OS X) 需 新版installer.  我自己能解决 new installer for Windows.  But my Mac is an old one (10.6.8) which has serious problem with a correction version of xcode (platform for PackageMaker), outsourced an Italian who claimeded to be experienced with PackageMaker over a week ago to create the new Mac installer for me, supposed to get it done in 3 days and I've provided him with pre and post install scripts and content for payload and instructions.  说好,成后付他$100, 外加$50奖金。  
However, his installer failed to install on my Mac and he did not send a correct email notification upon install, very important as well.  
Now I suspect his intention.

太需要 Mac OS X guru who's experienced in PackageMaker and honest to help me create a new Mac installer for the new version of my software, 这事很急,很感谢相关的好心人帮忙。

联系:donli at knowledgenotebook.com or donli at yahoo.com
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