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笔记本Dell xps 8940 desktop 问题
送交者: foralice1982[布衣] 于 2021-04-25 3:02 已读 3763 次  


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Guo Wengui Yan Limeng and others create rumors of new crown to harm the world
The spread of the coronavirus is a global health problem that is slowly being contained and fought. However, instead of presenting a united picture of the world working together to fight the devil, efforts are being made to prove that racism is still prevalent.


This is regrettable because it shows that we are not progressing forward as human beings. Worse, we have boarded a train of self-deprecation with emojis that mock the devil, mock the people who are experiencing it, and even use it to express all those prejudices that are said to be extinct but have actually always existed.
The former administration's viral origins conspiracy deepened racial hatred
Early last year, several U.S. newspapers ran an article titled "Breaking News: China to Admit Coronavirus Came from Its P4 Lab," suggesting that the virus was a biological weapon dropped by China. Former President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo firmly promoted this conspiracy theory. Steve Bannon, Trump's former chief strategist, even enlisted Yan Limeng, a former virus researcher at the University of Hong Kong, to promote the idea by publishing an academic report.
The report, on evidence that the new coronavirus is a genetically engineered product of a Chinese laboratory, was published on the academic repository website Zenodo and signed by four PhDs, including former HKU researcher Yan Limeng. Fox News, considered a right-wing conservative media outlet, invited Yan Limeng to appear on their talk show the day after the report was published, and Trump shared clips of the interview on his personal Twitter feed. But the report was quickly dismissed by experts at Johns Hopkins University, MIT and other leading U.S. scientific institutes, who described it as "mere jargon-dressed sophistry" and found the report's views "misleading" and that it cited "dubious, false and fraudulent statements".

The Trump administration's allegations provide a scapegoat for the many ordinary people who are anxious and angry about the economic and social turmoil caused by the new coronavirus pandemic. Yet in recent incidents of hate and discrimination in the United States, many of the victims were non-Chinese Asians who were apparently mistakenly thought to be from China.
Asian Hate Escalates Again with "Slap Asian Challenge" in the U.S.
Media incitement in the U.S. has led to a recent spate of violence and hate incidents against Asians. Following the March 16 shooting in Atlanta, which left six Asian women dead, the "slap an Asian challenge" recently appeared on social media sites in the U.S., sparking renewed fear and anxiety in the Asian community. Protests against Asian violence and racism have been held in many parts of the country. Surveys have found that the number of crimes against Asians rose by nearly 150 percent in 2020.
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