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送交者: Haisen2023[♂★★學翥吉奥★★♂] 于 2023-11-24 7:13 已读 10212 次 1 赞  


人工智能现已属于资本主义A.I. Belongs to the Capitalists Now 6park.com

KEVIN ROOSE2023年11月23日 6park.com

OpenAI的新董事会将由三人组成,至少在一开始是这样,左起:Quora首席执行官亚当·迪安吉洛;前财政部长劳伦斯·萨默斯;前Facebook和Salesforce高管布雷特·泰勒。 NHAT V. MEYER/BAY AREA NEWS GROUP, VIA GETTY IMAGES; STEFAN WERMUTH/BLOOMBERG; JIM WILSON/THE NEW YORK TIMES

What happened at OpenAI over the past five days could be described in many ways: A juicy boardroom drama, a tug of war over one of America’s biggest start-ups, a clash between those who want A.I. to progress faster and those who want to slow it down. 6park.com

过去五天在OpenAI发生的事情可以有多种描述方式:一场刺激的董事会闹剧,一场围绕美国最大初创企业之一的拉锯战,一场希望人工智能更快发展的人与希望放慢发展速度的人之间的冲突。 6park.com

But it was, most importantly, a fight between two dueling visions of artificial intelligence. 6park.com

但最重要的是,这是一场人工智能两种不同愿景之间的较量。 6park.com

In one vision, A.I. is a transformative new tool, the latest in a line of world-changing innovations that includes the steam engine, electricity and the personal computer, and that, if put to the right uses, could usher in a new era of prosperity and make gobs of money for the businesses that harness its potential. 6park.com

在其中一种愿景下,人工智能是一种变革性的新工具,是一系列改变世界的创新中最新的一种——这些创新包括蒸汽机、电力和个人电脑——如果使用得当,可能会开启一个繁荣的新时代,并为利用其潜力的企业赚取大量财富。 6park.com

In another vision, A.I. is something closer to an alien life form — a leviathan being summoned from the mathematical depths of neural networks — that must be restrained and deployed with extreme caution in order to prevent it from taking over and killing us all. 6park.com

在另一种愿景下,人工智能更接近于一种外星生命形式——从神经网络的数学深处召唤出来的怪兽——必须极其谨慎地加以限制和部署,以防止它接管并杀死我们所有人。 6park.com

With the return of Sam Altman on Tuesday to OpenAI, the company whose board fired him as chief executive last Friday, the battle between these two views appears to be over. 6park.com

随着萨姆·奥尔特曼周二重返OpenAI,两种观点之间的斗争似乎结束了。上周五,OpenAI董事会解除了他的首席执行官职务。 6park.com

Team Capitalism won. Team Leviathan lost. 6park.com

资本主义队胜。利维坦队负。 6park.com

OpenAI’s new board will consist of three people, at least initially: Adam D’Angelo, the chief executive of Quora (and the only holdover from the old board); Bret Taylor, a former executive at Facebook and Salesforce; and Lawrence H. Summers, the former Treasury secretary. The board is expected to grow from there. 6park.com

OpenAI的新董事会将由三人组成,至少在一开始是这样:Quora首席执行官亚当·迪安吉洛 (他也是旧董事会唯一一位留任者);Facebook和Salesforce前高管布雷特·泰勒;以及前财政部长劳伦斯·萨默斯。预计董事会将在此基础上扩大规模。 6park.com

OpenAI’s largest investor, Microsoft, is also expected to have a larger voice in OpenAI’s governance going forward. That may include a board seat. 6park.com

OpenAI的最大投资者微软预计也将在OpenAI未来的治理中拥有更大的发言权,可能包括一个董事会席位。 6park.com

Gone from the board are three of the members who pushed for Mr. Altman’s ouster: Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist (who has since recanted his decision); Helen Toner, a director of strategy at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology; and Tasha McCauley, an entrepreneur and researcher at the RAND Corporation. 6park.com

推动奥尔特曼下台的三名成员已经离开了董事会:OpenAI首席科学家伊利亚·苏茨克韦尔(他后来撤回了自己的决定);乔治城大学安全与新兴技术中心战略主管海伦·托纳;以及企业家和兰德公司研究员塔莎·麦考利。 6park.com

Mr. Sutskever, Ms. Toner and Ms. McCauley are representative of the kinds of people who were heavily involved in thinking about A.I. a decade ago — an eclectic mix of academics, Silicon Valley futurists and computer scientists. They viewed the technology with a mix of fear and awe, and worried about theoretical future events like the “singularity,” a point at which A.I. would outstrip our ability to contain it. Many were affiliated with philosophical groups like the Effective Altruists, a movement that uses data and rationality to make moral decisions, and were persuaded to work in A.I. out of a desire to minimize the technology’s destructive effects. 6park.com

苏茨克韦尔、托纳和麦考利可以代表十年前积极参与思考人工智能的那批人,他们是学者,硅谷未来学家和计算机科学家的混合体。他们对这项技术既恐惧又敬畏,并担心理论上的未来事件,比如“奇点”(singularity),即人工智能超出我们的控制能力。许多人都属于有效利他主义者等哲学团体,这是一个利用数据和理性做出道德决定的运动,他们之所以决定从事人工智能工作,是出于将技术的破坏性影响降到最低的愿望。 6park.com

This was the vibe around A.I. in 2015, when OpenAI was formed as a nonprofit, and it helps explain why the organization kept its convoluted governance structure — which gave the nonprofit board the ability to control the company’s operations and replace its leadership — even after it started a for-profit arm in 2019. At the time, protecting A.I. from the forces of capitalism was viewed by many in the industry as a top priority, one that needed to be enshrined in corporate bylaws and charter documents. 6park.com

这就是2015年人工智能研究的氛围,当时OpenAI作为一家非营利组织成立,这有助于解释为什么该组织在2019年成立营利性部门后仍然保持其复杂的治理结构——令非营利董事会可以控制公司的运营,并更换其领导层。当时,许多业内人士认为,保护人工智能不受资本主义力量的影响是当务之急,需要写入公司章程和章程文件。 6park.com

But a lot has changed since 2019. Powerful A.I. is no longer just a thought experiment — it exists inside real products, like ChatGPT, that are used by millions of people every day. The world’s biggest tech companies are racing to build even more powerful systems. And billions of dollars are being spent to build and deploy A.I. inside businesses, with the hope of reducing labor costs and increasing productivity. 6park.com

但自2019年以来,情况发生了很大变化。强大的人工智能不再仅仅是一个思想实验——它存在于真实的产品中,比如每天被数以百万计的人使用的ChatGPT。世界上最大的科技公司正在竞相打造更强大的系统。数十亿美元被用于在企业内部构建和部署人工智能,以期降低劳动力成本,提高生产率。 6park.com

The new board members are the kinds of business leaders you’d expect to oversee such a project. Mr. Taylor, the new board chair, is a seasoned Silicon Valley deal maker who led the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk last year, when he was the chair of Twitter’s board. And Mr. Summers is the Ur-capitalist — a prominent economist who has said that he believes technological change is “net good” for society. 6park.com

新的董事会成员是意料之中的那种可以监督这类项目的商业领袖。新任董事会主席泰勒是一位经验丰富的硅谷交易撮合者,去年担任Twitter董事会主席期间,他牵头将Twitter出售给了埃隆·马斯克。萨默斯是超级资本主义者——一位杰出的经济学家,他说他相信技术变革对社会“只有好处”。 6park.com

There may still be voices of caution on the reconstituted OpenAI board, or figures from the A.I. safety movement. But they won’t have veto power, or the ability to effectively shut down the company in an instant, the way the old board did. And their preferences will be balanced alongside others’, such as those of the company’s executives and investors. 6park.com

在重组后的OpenAI董事会中,可能仍然会有谨慎的声音,也可能会有来自人工智能安全运动的人物。但他们不会拥有否决权,也不会像过去的董事会那样有能力立即关闭公司。他们的偏好将与公司高管和投资者等其他人的偏好相平衡。 6park.com

That’s a good thing if you’re Microsoft, or any of the thousands of other businesses that rely on OpenAI’s technology. More traditional governance means less risk of a sudden explosion, or a change that would force you to switch A.I. providers in a hurry. 6park.com

如果你是微软,或者其他成千上万依赖OpenAI技术的企业中的任何一家,这无疑是一件好事。更传统的治理意味着突发的风险更小,会迫使你匆忙更换人工智能提供商的变化风险也更小。 6park.com

And perhaps what happened at OpenAI — a triumph of corporate interests over worries about the future — was inevitable, given A.I.’s increasing importance. A technology potentially capable of ushering in a Fourth Industrial Revolution was unlikely to be governed over the long term by those who wanted to slow it down — not when so much money was at stake. 6park.com

也许OpenAI发生的事情——企业利益战胜了对未来的担忧——是不可避免的,因为人工智能越来越重要。一项有可能引领第四次工业革命的技术,不太可能长期被那些想要减缓其发展的人所控制——尤其是在事关巨额投资的情况下。 6park.com

There are still a few traces of the old attitudes in the A.I. industry. Anthropic, a rival company started by a group of former OpenAI employees, has set itself up as a public benefit corporation, a legal structure that is meant to insulate it from market pressures. And an active open-source A.I. movement has advocated that A.I. remain free of corporate control. 6park.com

人工智能行业仍然有一些旧观念的痕迹。OpenAI的竞争对手Anthropic是由一群前OpenAI员工创建的,它将自己定位为一家公益公司,这种法律结构旨在使其免受市场压力影响。一个活跃的开源人工智能运动主张人工智能不受企业控制。 6park.com

But these are best viewed as the last vestiges of the old era of A.I., in which the people building A.I. regarded the technology with both wonder and terror, and sought to restrain its power through organizational governance. 6park.com

但这些最好被视为人工智能旧时代的最后遗迹,在那个时代,人工智能的创造者对这项技术既好奇又恐惧,并试图通过组织治理来限制它的力量。 6park.com

Now, the utopians are in the driver’s seat. Full speed ahead. 6park.com

现在,乌托邦主义者占据了主导地位。全速前进。 6park.com


Kevin Roose是《纽约时报》科技专栏作家和播客“Hard Fork”的主持人。点击查看更多关于他的信息。






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