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送交者: 奇异梅[♀☆★声望品衔7★☆♀] 于 2023-12-10 21:28 已读 2507 次  



The secret of energy management, not looking or listening to mindfulness, allows you to have a pure soul
How to subtract and detach from the eyes, ears, and soul? Keep yourself away from negative and negative information, and maintain a clean, happy, and free mindset. You will also learn a unified mindfulness meditation that allows you to achieve a state of physical and mental unity through breathing observation, body scanning, and connection with bodily sensations. These methods and techniques are based on the philosophy of Eastern philosophy and the concept of Chongdao yoga, which can help you improve the quality of life and increase happiness.
If you are interested in this video, please click on the link below to watch the complete video. We also welcome you to leave your thoughts and feelings in the comment section, and share your life wisdom and cultivation methods with us. Thank you for watching, and I wish you a wonderful day. 😊
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