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送交者: 奇异梅[♀☆★声望品衔7★☆♀] 于 2023-12-26 7:33 已读 3150 次  


The best way to cherish one's life is not through health preservation, but through compassion in one's heart
The true essence of compassion
Have you ever thought about what compassion is? Why cultivate compassion? What impact does compassion have on our lives? How is compassion linked to wisdom, courage, willpower, action, and karma?
In this video, we will explore the true meaning of compassion from a Buddhist perspective, the cultivation methods of compassion, the benefits and drawbacks of compassion, the role and significance of compassion, the cultivation and improvement of compassion, the expression and manifestation of compassion, the obstacles and overcoming of compassion, the source and foundation of compassion, the practice and application of compassion, and the realm and level of compassion.
We will experience the power of compassion, the compassion of compassion, the compassion of compassion, the wisdom of compassion, the courage of compassion, the wish of compassion, the actions of compassion, the fruits of compassion, and the Dharma of compassion through some stories of compassion.
We will also invite you to join our Mind Source channel, resonate with us, awaken now, and experience the essence of compassion, the joy of compassion, the sacrifice of compassion, the non hatred of compassion, and the boundless kindness of compassion.
If you are interested in compassion and want to learn more, please click the play button below to start watching our video!
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