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送交者: 真者[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-02-19 13:12 已读 3200 次 2 赞  


宁可一人傲,不思事耶稣。 6park.com

天聪怕运滞,碧玉凭人妒。 6park.com

求真终胜霸,练力够宏图。 6park.com

将来梦真好,啸龙贺岁除。 6park.com

It is better to be proud of one person than to think about Jesus. 6park.com

The genius of heaven is afraid of the stagnation of fortune, and the jasper is envied by others.  6park.com

Seeking the truth will eventually win the battle, practicing strength is enough for the grand plan.  6park.com

The dream of the future is really good, and the dragon will be able to celebrate the new year. 
贴主:真者于2024_02_19 13:23:13编辑

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