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送交者: 冬季听雨[布衣] 于 2015-06-09 11:23 已读 2423 次 1 赞  





其次是绿海龟 green sea turtle。绿海龟受到的主要威胁是塑料垃圾。

The green sea turtle, an endangered species, is menaced by plastic waste. This year’s World Oceans Day is pushing to stop plastic pollution of marine environments. © Hugh Gentry/Reuters


The Pacific bluefin tuna, considered a vulnerable species, inhabits the northern part of the world’s largest ocean. Its population has been hit by overfishing and illegal fishing. World Oceans Day aims to bring attention to these challenges. © Thomas Peter/Reuters

第三是太平洋蓝鳍金枪鱼Pacific bluefin tuna;濒临灭绝的主要原因是过度捕捞。

The endangered Galapagos penguin is the only penguin species found north of the equator. Like other penguins, it is at risk due to climate change and pollution. © Devon Goodsell/CBC

第四是加拉帕戈斯企鹅Galapagos penguin;地球变暖和海洋污染是导致加拉帕戈斯企鹅接近灭绝的主要原因。

The melting of Arctic ice due to climate change means polar bears may not be able to find enough food, recent research shows. The species is listed as vulnerable by international authorities. © Brian Battaile/U.S. Geological Survey/AP

第五是北极熊polar bears;北极熊受到的威胁主要全球变暖导致的北极浮冰减少。

A blue whale swims in the deep blue sea off the coast of Mirissa, in southern Sri Lanka. The species is considered endangered. © Joshua Barton/Reuters

第六是blue whale;蓝鲸这一深海巨型动物也面临灭绝。

Walruses are seen on a beach in Alaska. They will be featured in some World Oceans Day events in the U.S. on Monday. © explore.org/AP


A new baby orca swims alongside an adult whale, believed to be its mother, off the coast of Washington state. © Candice Emmons/NOAA


Several species of sea lion are at risk. The stellar sea lion, which inhabits Pacific coasts in the Northern Hemisphere, is considered by international authorities to be near-threatened. © U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/AP

第九是某些种类的海狮sea lion面临灭绝威胁。

Both species of manta ray — the reef manta ray and the giant manta ray — are listed as vulnerable species. © Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/Getty

第十是蝠鲼manta ray。



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