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送交者: chickenrun8[☆★★无眼狗圈疯话★★☆] 于 2017-11-24 19:18 已读 789 次  


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MrOhnospam 5年前 It is disingenuous to upload this video years (2007) after it has become irrelevant with the final granting of a visa to Aladdin in 2004 and his subsequent arrival in Melbourne on 31st May 2004. Yes it is a shameful record of the poor treatment by refugees of what has become a vexing problem for Australia, and the political mileage that is made of the minuscule traffic in refugees that dominates elections. The title is misleading also: There are plenty of men on the matriarchal led paradise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 个月前 And your comment has become irrelevant too, since this year he was exposed in the Courier Mail as one of the worst welfare frauds in Australia.
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