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送交者: hgao[♂☆★★★★声望勋衔19★★★★☆♂] 于 2019-05-21 0:52 已读 100 次  



美国海军这两天出 " 大事 " 了。

引起风波的是下面这艘名为" 佛罗里达号 "的潜艇,这是美国海军第二艘配备有女兵的潜艇。 6park.com


  ▲涉事潜艇:USS Florida ( SSGN 728 )   ( 图 via U.S. Navy/Daniel Viramontes )

讽刺的是,佛罗里达号潜艇这次引起关注,并不是因为改装或执行什么任务,而是一份充满了低俗淫秽气息的" 强奸名单 "。

据美国军事网站 Military.com 报道,美国一艘潜艇上的船员自制了一份 " 强奸名单 "。

而这份名单上,全是他们的女同事…… 6park.com


A "rape list" was shared by members of the guided-missile submarine Florida's Gold crew, where investigators found "lewd and sexist comments and jokes were tolerated, and trust up and down the chain of command was nonexistent."  

巡航导弹核潜艇 " 佛罗里达号 " 的金组成员间流传着一份 " 强奸名单 "。调查人员在名单中发现:" 充满下流与性别歧视的言论与玩笑得到了容忍,上下级间的信任荡然无存。"

...two lists discovered aboard the sub. One ranked the female crewmembers using a star system. A second, which included sexually explicit comments next to each name, corresponded to those rankings, according to the investigation.

经调查……在潜艇上发现的两份名单中,一份名单用 "X 颗星 " 的方式在给女性艇员打分,另一份则给女性艇员做了排名,每个名字旁边都有淫秽露骨的评论,和排名一一对应。

▲ Sailors Created 'Rape List' Aboard Navy's 2nd Sub to Integrate Women ( via Military.com ) 6park.com


( 图 via Daily Magazine ) ( 图文无关 )

被周围的男性同事记在 " 强奸名单 " 上,用各种下流恶心的词语描述调侃……

你当人家是并肩作战的好战友,人家当你是可供消遣和意淫的 " 玩物 "。 6park.com


( 图 via   MARCO LONGARI/AFP/Getty Images ) ( 图文无关 )

如果觉得主页君上面那句话有些 " 过 " 了,那么请继续看下去……

On June 3, 2018, a sailor aboard the Florida printed the first list with the names of every female Gold crewmember. It included between one and four asterisks next to every woman's name.

2018 年 6 月 3 日,佛罗里达号上的一名艇员打印了第一份名单,上面有金组每位女性艇员的名字,名字旁边有 1-4 颗星。

About 10 days later, that same sailor printed the second list. The sailor told the lists were housed on the submarine's computer network, where they were updated every few weeks. Male crewmembers were going to vote again on them soon.

大约 10 天后,这名艇员又打印了第二份名单。他说,名单保存在了潜艇的电脑网络中,每隔几周会更新一次。男兵们很快还会对名单上的女兵再投一次票。 6park.com


  ( 图 via Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Lisa Reese/Navy ) ( 图文无关 )

"The sexually explicit list describes various USS Florida females by appearances, characteristics and various sexual acts the creators of the list wish to perform with them," the investigation states. "The list describes aggressive sexual activity."

调查称:" 这份淫秽露骨的名单描述了佛罗里达号各位女性的外貌、特征以及创造名单的人渴望与她们发生怎样的性行为。名单里描述的性行为充满攻击性。"

……真是辣眼睛。 6park.com


也难怪潜艇上的女兵都被" 恐惧 "" 愤怒 "" 反感 "所笼罩了……

"Rumors of a 'rape list' were promulgated throughout the crew, significant numbers of females became concerned for their safety, and male members who learned of the list were equally repulsed," Rear Adm. Jeff Jablon, then-commander of Submarine Group 10, wrote to his superior.  

当时第 10 潜艇大队的杰夫 · 贾布伦海军少将(佛罗里达号潜艇的上司)向其上级这样写道:" ‘强奸名单’的留言在全体艇员中散播开来,许多女兵开始担心自己的安全,一些知道这份名单的男兵也对此表示厌恶。"

When asked about the lists, the report says female crewmembers were full of fear, anger and disgust.  

调查报告表示,当被问及(对)这些报告(的看法)时,女性艇员们充满了恐惧、愤怒与反感。 6park.com


( 图 via 网络 )


@David Eberhardt:

Going to the extreme of putting these thoughts down on paper ( or a computer file ) is really bad. It needs to stop. Take care of your "needs" when you are off duty and treat women with respect.

搞得这么极端,把这些(龌龊)想法写在纸上(或存在电脑里)真的很糟糕,需要停止了!不在岗时处理好自己的生理需求 " 吧,尊重女性。


My mother was a naval officer She is buried in Arlington. Women have always died in war. What we don't expect is them to be raped by shipmates.



Women do not need to be on a sub with lots of horny, young male sailors. That's asking for trouble and this article is a good example of that trouble.


@Gary J:

I can't believe your comments. Should your wife, daughter, niece or granddaughter be denied the opportunity to serve their country because men can't act appropriately?


……但若满腔热血去 " 报国 ",却被战友戴着有色眼镜评头论足、意淫调笑,心就不会凉吗? 6park.com



就在两个月前…… 6park.com


▲ " 整个系统都在强奸我 ":美国第一名女战斗机飞行员揭发了上级军官对她的性虐待   ( via RT ) 6park.com


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