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送交者: 湖瞰原創[☆★★認真胡侃★★☆] 于 2022-01-13 11:40 已读 5829 次 9 赞  


【贺新春】中国应该考虑重新创作国歌了 6park.com

建议各位去仔细欣赏一下俄罗斯的国歌。非常羡慕人家俄罗斯的国歌,因为无论从意境、旋律、格调都凸显了豪迈、恢宏和大气。个人认为,俄罗斯国歌应该是最成功的。相信俄罗斯人每唱一次自己的国歌就会加强一次自己对国家的热爱。这首国歌并没有号召人民去为国家去奉献、战斗、牺牲,但它激发出的自豪、自信和深情是足以让国民自愿去为那样的国家去赴死的。 6park.com

若哪天中国彻底走出了日本人给中国造成的阴影,真应该重新创作创作国歌。现在的国歌只是一个民族救亡和反侵略的号角,偏向于历史的局限,缺乏了表达对自己的土地、历史、人民的歌颂和赞美。中国现在的国歌在激发国民的自豪感、自信心和对国土、人民的深情方面是远远逊色于俄罗斯的国歌的 6park.com


———- 6park.com

歌词大意: 6park.com

Russia, our sacred blessed homeland (俄罗斯,我们神圣幸福的家园) 6park.com

Russia, our adored and beloved country (俄罗斯,我们崇拜和挚爱的国家) 6park.com

A mighty willpower in greatness and glory (伟大和荣耀的强大意志) 6park.com

Are yours forever for all enduring time (永远属于你) 6park.com

Glory to our homeland, homeland of freedom (荣耀归于我们的祖国,自由的家园) 6park.com

Unions of peoples ancient and strong (古老而强大的民族团结) 6park.com

Wisdom of ancestors, wisdom of the people (祖先的智慧,人民的智慧) 6park.com

Be glorious country! We are proud of you (光荣的国家!我们为你自豪) 6park.com

From the southern seas to the icy polar regions (从南部海域到冰冷的极地) 6park.com

Lay our forests and fields (有我们的森林和田野) 6park.com

Unique in the world, you are one of a kind (世界上独一无二,你是独一无二的) 6park.com

Native land protected by dear God (亲爱的上帝保护的故土) 6park.com


Glory to our homeland, homeland of freedom (荣耀归于我们的祖国,自由的家园) 6park.com

Unions of peoples ancient and strong (古老而强大的民族团结) 6park.com

Wisdom of ancestors, wisdom of the people (祖先的智慧,人民的智慧) 6park.com

Be glorious country! We are proud of you (光荣的国家!我们为你自豪) 6park.com

Wide spaces for dreams and for our people’s livelihood (梦想和生活的广阔空间) 6park.com

Are open to us by the long coming years (永远对我们开放) 6park.com

Our faith in our homeland gives us courage (对祖国的信念给我们勇气) 6park.com

It has been, it is now and it will always be (过去是,现在是,永远都是) 6park.com


Glory to our homeland, homeland of freedom (荣耀归于我们的祖国,自由的家园) 6park.com

Unions of peoples ancient and strong (古老而强大的民族团结) 6park.com

Wisdom of ancestors, wisdom of the people (祖先的智慧,人民的智慧) 6park.com

Be glorious country! We are proud of you (光荣的国家!我们为你自豪)

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