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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2021-04-22 15:52 已读 56973 次 1 赞  




https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/permit/open-work-permit-hong-kong-recent-graduates.html 6park.com

Immigrate through Express Entry


The application process for skilled immigrants who want to settle in Canada permanently and take part in our economy.


Services and information


How Express Entry works

Application process and eligibility, including work experience, education and language skills for each program


Get the documents you need

Language test results, education assessments, job offers, police certificates, medical exams, proof of funds


Submit your Express Entry profile

Create your profile, what to do while you wait in the pool and invitations to apply


Apply for permanent residence if you are invited

Fill out the form, upload documents, pay fees and submit your application


If your application is approved

Interviews inside and outside Canada, crossing the border and settling in Canada


Most requested

Create an account or sign inHelp CentreMost recent invitations
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Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada 6park.com

What we are doing


Sign up for Express Entry latest newsInstructions that explain how the rounds of invitations work
News release – Canada to welcome more French-speaking skilled immigrants with new changes to Express Entry 6park.com


https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry.html 6park.com

Public policy: Open work permits for Hong Kong recent graduates


As a Hong Kong recent graduate, you may be eligible to apply for an open work permit under a temporary public policy for Hong Kong residents.

The open work permit is valid for up to 3 years.

Who can apply

To be eligible, you must

hold a valid passport issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) or the United Kingdom to a British National Overseas (BNO)Your work permit is valid for up to 3 years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.For example, if your passport is valid for 6 months, then you will be issued an open work permit for 6 months.To maximize the duration of the open work permit, make sure your passport is valid for at least 3 years from the date of approval.Tell us how long you want your work permit to be valid.have graduated no more than 5 years before you apply for this open work permit, witha degree (for example, bachelor, master or doctorate) from a designated post-secondary learning institution in Canada or abroad, ora diploma for a minimum 2-year program from a designated post-secondary learning institution in Canada or abroad

If you got your education abroad

You don’t need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to apply if you got a degree (for example, bachelor, master or doctorate) outside Canada, but an officer may request one later.

If you got a diploma outside of Canada, you must provide an ECA.

The ECA must be from an organization or a professional body designated by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. They’ll give you a report that tells you what your education is equal to in Canada.

Processing times and costs vary by organization or professional body.

Once you choose a designated organization or a professional body, they’ll tell you how to submit your documents to get your assessment.

Designated organizations

You must use one of these designated organizations:

Comparative Education Service – University of Toronto School of Continuing Studiesdesignated: April 17, 2013International Credential Assessment Service of Canadadesignated: April 17, 2013World Education Servicesdesignated: April 17, 2013International Qualifications Assessment Servicedesignated: August 6, 2015International Credential Evaluation Servicedesignated: August 6, 2015

How to apply

You must apply for the open work permit online. You can’t apply at a port of entry.

If you’re outside of CanadaIf you’re inside Canada

After you apply

Find out what to do and what happens after you apply for your work permit.


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Date modified: 2021-03-29
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