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送交者: 冰瞳[布衣] 于 2013-12-30 0:59 已读 2080 次 2 赞  





The proposed amendments would also automatically authorize full-time international students attending designated institutions to work off-campus for the duration of their study permit for up to 20 hours per week provided they hold a valid study permit and are enrolled in a post-secondary academic, vocational or professional training program of at least six months at a designated institution. (强调认证机构的全职学生凭借有效学签就可以校外工作,无需再申请校外工签)

This proposed amendment replaces the existing program design which requires study permit holders to wait six months after beginning their program of study before applying separately for an off-campus work permit. (无需再等上满6个月才能获得工作许可,可以立即获得许可) 

This would represent time and cost savings to students who no longer need to apply and pay for a separate work permit, and for CIC as it would no longer process off-campus work permit applications.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada anticipates beginning implementation of these changes in January 2014. Changes would be made to the electronic immigration processing system (the Global Case Management System, GCMS) and additional information would be added to CIC’s and CBSA’s Web sites which would allow CIC and CBSA officers to limit study permit issuance to those students destined to a list of designated learning institutions. CIC and the CBSA would also amend application forms, update field manuals, and train officers on their roles in implementing the proposed Regulations. 


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