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新年烤火鸡(roast turkey)
送交者: abc286[品衔R1] 于 2021-01-01 16:29 已读 1362 次  


祝大家2021新年快乐! 6park.com


Step 1: Take the turkey (3.7kg) out of the fridge two hours ahead of cooking.

Step 2: Massage the butter into the skin of the turkey.

Step 3: Massage salt, black pepper and nutmeg into the skin of the turkey.

Step 4: Stuff the turkey with lemon.

Step 5: Add onions, carrots and giblets to a roasting pan and place the turkey on the trivet.

Step 6: Cover the turkey with foil.

Step 7: Preheat oven to 180 °C (160 °C with fans) and place the turkey into the oven for 2 hours and 28 minutes (35min/kg).

Step 8: Baste the turkey a few times.

Step 9: Remove the foil from the main body and keep the foil for the legs and wings to prevent from burning 30 minutes before the end of cooking.

Step 10: Rest the turkey for 30 minutes. 6park.com

贴主:abc286于2021_01_01 19:10:29编辑
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