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送交者: 爱吃烤肉[☆★★声望品衔11★★☆] 于 2018-01-14 9:08 已读 2900 次  


原文连接:https://www.rebornmasculinity.com/is-getting-laid-in-china-easy/ Is getting laid in China easy?

Posted on November 1, 2016 Cute chinese girl

It’s hard for most men to stay indifferent to innocence and sexiness of Asian women. Not to say how difficult it is to ignore our savior instinct for those women who look so soft and vulnerable. Pussy paradise. That’s how some white men call China. While believing that is not completely true, it is close. My job got me to Shanghai but I spend few years in other top tier cities (Beijing, Shenzhen, Taipei and Hong-Kong). Getting laid in China seems easy, but is it worth for you to go there? 大多数男人很难对亚洲女性的天真和性感保持冷漠。对于那些看起来如此柔软脆弱的女性来说,忽略我们的救世主本能是多么的困难。 逼的天堂:这就是一些白人对中国的称呼。虽然我认为这不完全正确,但它是接近的。我的工作让我去了上海,但是我在其他一线城市(北京,深圳,台北和香港)待了几年。在中国,干女人似乎很容易,但你去那里值得吗?


Welcome to China

Dragon, symbol of China Share Tweet

The divorce rate in China is around 4% but varies by different region and in more westernized cities like Shanghai you have western divorce rates of about 35%. Fat shaming exists and is unrelenting but takes place under the radar. People will fat shame you a lot but you won’t see it much on TV or media. The average BMI for a Chinese girl is a lot of points lower than for her American competition.

In the last couple of years, several of my friends have become married here and have kids. The thing is that mom has the baby and then lose weight to be slim and sexy again within a two months of giving birth.

Sexual market is determined by your guanxi (关系 face). It’s defined by title, status, wealth etc. Considering the one-child policy, it’s especially essential to get married. Parents insist on traditional beliefs which mean that if you take their daughter for your wife, it’s like you got married to their whole family so you are obligated to respect the inlaws when they get retired.

There is a massive class difference in this country. By our standards, Chinese are either penniless or very rich (Hongerdai – 红二代 second generation red blood, Fuerdai – 富二代 second generation wealthy). Middle class is growing however it’s overrun by the Chinese Gov. and it’s small if you compare it with the US.

中国的离婚率在4%左右,但在不同的地区有所不同,在西方更多的城市如上海,西方离婚率约为35%。脂肪羞愧的存在,是无情的,但发生在雷达之下。人们会因此而感到羞耻,但在电视或媒体上却看不到它。一个中国女孩的平均体重指数比她在美国的比赛低很多。 在过去的几年中,我的几个朋友在这里结婚生子,问题是,妈妈生下孩子,然后在两个月内再次减肥,再次变得苗条又性感。 性关系是由你的关系决定的。它的名称,地位,财富等定义。考虑到独生子女政策,结婚尤为必要。父母坚持传统的信仰,这意味着如果你把他们的女儿带给你的妻子,就好像你嫁给了他们的全家,所以你有义务在退休时尊重他们。 这个国家有一个巨大的阶级差异。按照我们的标准,中国人要么是身无分文,要么就是非常富有(红龙二代红血,富二代二代富二代)。中产阶级越来越多,但中国政府却越来越多,与美国相比,这个数字还是很小的。


Getting laid in China is easy when you are white

Getting laid in China is easy when you're a fucking white male Share Tweet

In China, your dick is big: I’m little above average but certainly no John Holmes. And yet with every Chinese girl in bed, I get the indirect and direct compliment that I am too big. Back in Montreal, I dated very Canadianized Chinese women and they loved a good pounding.

When you land in this country and you are white, you are immediately top 20%. Your typical American beta boy in China has several inches of height and lot of $ income compared to the locals. That is just status.

If you are considered a 6 in the US, and you are white, in China you become a solid 8 male tourist (Laowai). You would be considered to be pretty, exotic, tall and people will think you are rich. She will brag to her friends about you.

The reality will most likely be that you are an underpaid English teacher or middle-class tourist who is here to find a job for 2-3 years.

For every poorer Chinese girl in large cities; a white guy is seen as a prize. Unlike Serbian women, many white folks fuck Chinese women with little tono effort, ‘game’ is not required. Such behavior is frowned upon since there’s unspoken social contract that sex outside marriage is an act to make her your wife. Chinese women are usually shy, but since you’re a white guy you will be attractive and find out that it’s very easy to date and fuck the middle or lower class Chinese (Too easy if you are ripped);

Getting laid in China is easy. For many white men, it’s very hard not to bang a lot of chicks here. A bunch of my friends, entrepreneurs in this country who are educated in the US will spend years and years banging women – while being also married.

When it comes to the online game, you need to know what app to download. There are two major apps you need to get if you want to get good looking Asian women. For the first one you need to pay, and that is exactly why there are no fake profiles. You can register here

The other one is Badoo. Badoo is really popular among girls that speak great English. Girls are also very responsive. Get those two apps as a foreigner and you will score in short period of time.

在中国,你的鸡巴很大:我略高于平均平均水平,水平,但肯定不是福尔摩斯。然而每个在床上的中国女孩,我都会得到间接和直接的赞美,我太大了。回到蒙特利尔,我约会了非常加拿大的中国女性,他们喜欢一个很好的冲击 当你在这个国家降落,而你是白色的时候,你立刻就会高达20%。在中国,你的典型的美国男孩有几英寸的高度,比当地人多收入。这只是地位。 如果你在美国被认为是6,而你是白人,那么在中国,你成为一个坚实的8男性旅游者(老外)。你会被认为是漂亮,异国情调,高大的人会认为你很有钱。她会向她的朋友们吹嘘你。 现实最有可能的是,你是一个薪水待遇不足的英语老师或中产阶级的旅游者,他们在这里找到一份为期2-3年的工作。 对于大城市中的每一个贫穷的中国女孩;一个白人被视为一个奖项。与塞尔维亚妇女不同,许多白种人在中国女人身上花费很少的努力,不需要“游戏”。这种行为是令人f目的,因为有一种不言而喻的社会契约,即婚外性行为是使她成为你妻子的行为。中国女人通常害羞,但是因为你是一个白人,你会很有吸引力,并且发现和中下级的中国人很容易约会(如果你被扯了,太容易了)。 在中国铺设很容易。对于很多白人来说,很难不在这里蹦出很多小鸡。我的一些朋友,在美国接受教育的这个国家的企业家,在结婚的同时,也会经常年复一年地殴打女人。 当谈到在线游戏,你需要知道要下载的应用程序。如果你想得到好看的亚洲女性,你需要得到两个主要的应用程序。对于第一个你需要支付,这正是为什么没有假的配置文件。你可以在这里注册 另一个是Badoo。 Badoo在说英语的女孩中很受欢迎。女孩也很敏感。获得这两个应用程序作为外国人,你会在短时间内得分 Chinese women

Chinese woman Share Tweet

Chinese women are very hypergamous.

Getting laid in China is not difficult, but if you care to get into a relationship with the high class of Chinese it’s hard. Firstly you’re a foreigner, most Hongerdai (second generation red) can’t have LTR with outsiders and no matter if you are rich and worth of 10M, you’re still peasant for them. A big portion of these high-class chicks will look over even on rich folks from first world countries, so if you work with big companies or are a manager, you work 60-80 hour per week for something they consider a pocket money.

On the other hand, I never saw those women in marriage. Mostly other filthy rich Chinese men won’t consider getting into a marriage with a rich woman over 30 unless their families are very well connected and they want to merge their business. Despite the pressure to marry in China – you see many of recently divorced wealthy Chinese women (fuerdai or hongerdai) who will rather be alone than get married.

在中国建立并不困难,但是如果你想和中国的高级阶层建立关系,那么很难。首先,你是一个外国人,大部分的Hongerdai(第二代红人)都不可能有外地人的LTR,无论你富有还是价值10M,你仍然是农民。即使是来自第一世界国家的富裕人士,这些高级小鸡的一大部分也会看到,所以如果你和大公司一起工作,或者是一个经理人,你每周工作60-80小时,做一些他们认为是零花钱的东西。 另一方面,我从来没有见过这样的女人结婚。大多数其他富有的富有的中国男人不会考虑与一个超过30岁的富婆结婚,除非他们的家人关系很好,并且想要合并他们的生意。尽管在中国结婚有压力 - 你会看到许多最近离婚的富有的中国女性(fuerdai或hongerdai)宁愿孤身一人结婚。


Disadvantages and conclusion

There are not so many sluts outside of Shanghai(and other big cities) and it’s not easy to find a girl who will fuck for the sake of fucking. They tend to pair up in high school or college and run with it.

If you speak the language then you can get access to young college girls (18-23). Otherwise, you are dealing with the late 20s or early 30s women with an N-count between 1 and 3.

They don’t shave their vag. They don’t give head. You’ll have to train them.

Thate being said we can get to the conclusion that China is special, different and have an interesting culture. Getting laid in China is easy. But this is not a country to get married unless you are really invested in staying here. Since I know a lot of men who have married local women, I can only say this: don’t.

缺点和结论 在上海(和其他大城市)以外的地方没有那么多荡妇,要找到一个为了操而去操的女孩是不容易的。他们倾向于在高中或大学找男朋友,并与之结婚 如果你说这种语言,那么你可以接触到年轻的大学女生(18-23)。否则,你正在处理20至30年代末或30年代初的N计数在1到3之间的妇女。 他们不剃他们的阴道。他们不给头。你必须训练他们。 他说,我们可以得出结论,中国是特殊的,不同的,有一个有趣的文化。在中国铺设很容易。但是,除非你真的投资留在这里,否则这不是一个结婚的国家。既然我知道很多嫁给当地女人的男人,我只能这样说:不。
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