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送交者: majia马甲线[★★★★别人家孩纸★★★★] 于 2019-04-25 19:46 已读 212 次  


回答: 十年分合间 由 加州上空的鹰 于 2019-04-22 21:46

要不是仔细推理分析了半天,我会以为这故事是那谁的马甲写的…… 6park.com

正好前几天在春天的田野里又看了一遍霍乱时期的爱情。 6park.com

记得以前读的时候是猎奇;加上各种啧啧,贵圈真乱的感叹;甚至会有些断章取义的寻找一种唐璜式借口的“内心贞洁”便能守护一种“超越爱情的爱情”。 6park.com

重读却品味到了很多不同的感觉,不愧是一本各种形式的爱情的百科全书~也感觉到了加西亚·马尔克斯这是一本与自己其他著作都不同的现实主义作品,尽管他对爱情的地位简直是奉上了神坛一样崇拜,但是故事的细节却都无比现实。 6park.com

就乌尔比诺和费尔明娜的爱情模式来说,印象比较深的是二人从说不上爱情的,婚姻开始的小小温情时刻;到后来冷却后两性间的冷淡,纠纷,出轨;再到婚后三十年,经历了失控的婚外情,在生命的最后时刻,却确认彼此是生命里不可替代的爱人。 6park.com

尤其比较触动的是作者的分析,我觉得写得很好,就直接引用了~ 6park.com

一开始对婚姻容易造成矛盾的分析: 6park.com

He would not admit that the difficulties with his wife had their origin in the rarefied air of the house, but blamed them on the very nature of matrimony: an absurd invention that could exist only by the infinite grace of God. It was against all scientific reason for two people who hardly knew each other, with no ties at all between them, with different characters, different upbringings, and even different genders, to suddenly find themselves committed to living together, to sleeping in the same bed, to sharing two destinies that perhaps were fated to go in opposite directions. “他不承认自己和妻子的矛盾源于家中压抑的气氛,而是认为那源于婚姻本身的性质:一项荒谬的,只能靠上帝的无限仁慈才得以存在的发明。两个几乎完全互不了解的人,没有任何血缘关系,性格不同,文化不同,甚至性别不同,却突然间不得不承诺生活在一起,睡在同一张床上,分享彼此也许注定有所分歧的命运这一切本身就是完全违背科学的。”

He would say: "The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before

最后他对这种相濡以沫转变成“爱情”的分析,注意哦,他没有觉得这是习惯或者“相濡以沫”是一个不浪漫简单“陪伴”,而是真正的爱情。 6park.com

She clung to her husband. And it was just at the time when he needed her most, because he suffered the disadvantage of being ten years ahead of her as he stumbled alone through the mists of old age, with the even greater disadvantage of being a man and weaker than she was. In the end they knew each other so well that by the time they had been married for thirty years they were like a single divided
being, and they felt uncomfortable at the frequency with which they guessed each other's thoughts without intending to, or the ridiculous accident of one of them anticipating in public what the other was going to say.
Together they had overcome the daily incomprehension, the instantaneous hatred, the reciprocal nastiness and fabulous flashes of glory in the conjugal conspiracy. It was the time when they loved each other best, without hurry or excess, when both were most conscious of and grateful for their incredible victories over adversity. Life would still present them with other mortal trials, of course, but that no longer mattered: they were on the other shore. 她依仗着她的丈夫。而此时也正是丈夫最需要她的时候。他不幸比她年长十岁,正独自跌跌撞撞的走在暮年的大雾之中,而更不幸的是,他是个男人,比她更为脆弱。他们终于彻底了解了对方,在结婚将近三十年之时,他们变得好似一个人被分成了两半,常常因为对方猜出自己没有说出口的心事,或者一个抢先把另一个想说的话公之于众的荒唐事件而感到不悦。他们一起克服日常生活的误解,顷刻结下的怨恨,相互间的无理取闹,以及夫唱妇随的那种神话般的荣耀之光。那是他们相爱的最美好的时期,不慌不忙,适宜得体,对于共同战胜逆境所取得的不可思议的胜利,他们比任何时候都更了然于心,也更心存感激。当然,生活还将给他们更多致命的考验,但那已经无关紧要了:他们已到达了彼岸。

我被马尔克斯的文字触动,是因为他在这里没有像其他文学作品一样歌颂激情,丑化可能死水一般平庸的婚姻生活。幻灭,永恒,在他这里不同模式的爱情,只要是爱情,都是美好的。而这种我们叫做陪伴的东西,被他叫做生死相随的爱情。 6park.com

这个刻画真的太触动人了,尤其是他很尖锐的道出了婚姻二人的价值观必定是不同的,所以这才是婚姻本身是个“坟墓”的,是“荒谬的需要被上帝怜悯”的本质~所以,家家的难念经是必然存在的。 6park.com

我只是觉得你的故事里当事人的情绪管理需要提高……价值观冲突既然不可避免,不在这里就在那里的话,一定要为一些时间走到不可回头的地步么?当然那个谁可能也要打我脸,站着说话腰不疼,尤其是牵涉到家人父母,可能不是当事人我也不好乱讲别人做的不好,可能换到自己也好不到哪去…… 6park.com

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