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送交者: 木鹿大王[♂巡抚★★♂] 于 2014-08-30 1:35 已读 1677 次 1 赞  




Question (News agency UNIAN) : Secretary General, we right now are in a completely new situation but I would like to repeat an old question. How NATO can really help, or NATO member countries Ukraine institutions, thank you.

Secretary General : At the Summit in Wales next week we will take decisions as to how we will enhance our cooperation with Ukraine. Among other initiatives, we are establishing four trust funds to finance concrete initiatives within four areas; logistics, command and control, cyber defence, and help to military personnel, including wounded personnel. I’m very pleased that already at today’s meeting several Allies announced concrete financial contributions to these trust funds and it was signalled that more announcements may come forward at the Summit in Wales next week. The whole purpose of these trust funds is to finance activities that can assist Ukraine in reforming and modernising the armed forces with a view to making them stronger to defend Ukraine.


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