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Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast
送交者: yesmoke[布衣] 于 2015-11-24 14:07 已读 967 次 1 赞  


Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast

, ordered to destroy any target posing danger

Published time: 24 Nov, 2015 18:16Edited time: 24 Nov, 2015 19:53 Get short URL A missile cruiser "Moscow"  firing anti-aircraft missiles during the joint sailing of various fleets' vessels for combat training. © Vitaliy Ankov A missile cruiser "Moscow" firing anti-aircraft missiles during the joint sailing of various fleets' vessels for combat training. © Vitaliy Ankov / Sputnik 4.6K102 Moscow plans to suspend military cooperation with Ankara after the downing of a Russian bomber by Turkish air forces, Russian General Staff representatives said on Tuesday. Further measures to beef up Russian air base security in Syria will also be taken.

Three steps as announced by top brass:

Each and every strike groups’ operation is to be carried out under the guise of fighter jetsAir defense to be boosted with the deployment of Moskva guided missile cruiser off Latakia coast with an aim to destroy any target that may pose dangerMilitary contacts with Turkey to be suspended

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