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送交者: 痴人诳语[品衔R2☆] 于 2017-08-29 13:55 已读 1630 次  



Q: Has China stopped building roads in the Dong Lang area?

A: China has said clearly that all the trespassing personnel and equipment of India have been withdrawn to the Indian side of the border, and the Chinese border troops continue with their patrols in the Dong Lang area. China has long been carrying out infrastructure building, including roads, in the Dong Lang area to meet the needs of guarding the border and to improve the living and working conditions of the troops stationed there and people living there. Taking into account various factors like the weather, we will make proper building plans in light of the actual situation. 找这些印度媒体的facebook发链接。the times of India, NDTV,Indian express LOL,我发了一遍,过半小时去看全把我禁言了。只发了链接, 我其它什么都没说。 看来印度政府已经和媒体打好招呼了。

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