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CNN采访钟南山 中国尚未建立起新冠免疫 要警惕第二波疫情
送交者: salonyudi[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2020-05-17 12:17 已读 1733 次  


钟南山称中国尚未建立起新冠免疫 要警惕第二波疫情

5月16日,钟南山院士接受CNN专访谈论新冠疫情相关话题。采访中他表示,中国仍然面临着风险,要警惕第二波疫情的暴发。他还认为,新冠疫苗真正出现可能需要“数年”时间,现阶段要保持健康的生活方式,增强免疫力。 6park.com


Exclusive: Lack of immunity means China is vulnerable to another wave of coronavirus, top adviser warns

By David Culver and Nectar Gan, CNN
Updated 12:31 AM ET, Sun May 17, 2020 6park.com

(CNN)China still faces the "big challenge" of a potential second wave of Covid-19 infections, the country's top respiratory authority has warned, with the lack of immunity among the community a serious concern as the race to develop a vaccine continues. 6park.com

Dr. Zhong Nanshan, the Chinese government's senior medical adviser and the public face of the country's fight against Covid-19, also confirmed in an exclusive interview with CNN on Saturday that local authorities in Wuhan, the city where the novel coronavirus was first reported in December, had suppressed key details about the magnitude of the initial outbreak.
China has reported more than 82,000 coronavirus cases, with at least 4,633 deaths, according to data from the country's National Health Commission (NHC). The number of new infections surged quickly in late January, prompting city lockdowns and nationwide travel bans.
By early February, China was reporting as many as 3,887 fresh cases a day. A month later, however, daily cases had dropped into the double digits -- while in the US, the number of daily infections skyrocketed, from 47 new cases on March 6 to 22,562 by the end of the month. 6park.com

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