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BLM就是厉害 推倒美国开国元勋 看来美国2076 差不多了
送交者: pujing2014[☆彼得大帝☆] 于 2020-06-15 12:23 已读 2542 次  


Thomas Jefferson Statue Pulled Down At Portland's Jefferson High

by Rob Manning Follow OPB June 14, 2020 9:26 p.m. | Updated: June 15, 2020 6:49 a.m. | Portland, Ore.


The bronze Thomas Jefferson statue that has loomed for years above the Jefferson High School football field and North Killingsworth St. was pulled from its marble pedestal Sunday night, hours after a protest had gathered at the school. The words “slave owner” and “George Floyd” were spray-painted on the white marble beneath where the Jefferson statue had stood. 6park.com

The Thomas Jefferson statue sits next to its at Jefferson High School in Northeast Portland after protesters tore it down after a Black Lives Matter rally.

Jonathan Levinson/OPB 6park.com

In recent months the statue has been vandalized numerous times with anti-slavery messages, the anti-fascist symbol, and the word “decolonize.” 

Jefferson has one of the highest percentages of Black students among Oregon schools and has long been a center of the historically African-American community of North and Northeast Portland. Its 620-student enrollment makes it small for a high school, but it’s gained fame recently for its rapidly rising graduation rate, particularly for students of color. 6park.com

A local hip hop artist named Spazz sits on the Thomas Jefferson statue that was torn down from its pedestal at Jefferson High School in Northeast Portland 6park.com

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