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against German scholar over Xinjiang abuse claims
送交者: sfgk[品衔R1] 于 2021-03-13 2:34 已读 812 次  


China has endorsed a series of lawsuits against a German researcher central to claims of abuses in 
, in the latest move to hit back against foreign allegations of forced labour in the region. 6park.com

The suits seek apologies and financial compensation from the researcher, 
Adrian Zenz
, according to the state-run news site Tianshannet, which reported the cases on Monday. Specifically, the plaintiffs dispute a report Zenz wrote for the Washington-based Centre for Global Policy in December, in which he said hundreds of thousands of labourers from ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang were “being forced to pick cotton by hand”. 6park.com

The lawsuits were later endorsed by Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, who blamed Zenz for the Western backlash over Xinjiang. 6park.com

“Some politicians have chosen to believe his words,” Zhao told a regular news briefing on Tuesday in Beijing.

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