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送交者: balabingbang[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2022-03-20 18:39 已读 16993 次 5 赞  


视频末尾主持人突然停止打破砂锅问到底。北卡女科学家也停止了回答,留下了悬念,令人遐想。建议观看前先点击视频左下方的 Watch on YouTube,直接在油管上看。视频下方的评论区网友们纷纷各抒己见分析各种可能性,非常精彩。
其中一位网友Gordana Naletina说:In my opinion, the answer is Ralph Baric and Fort Detrick lab. I figured it out long time ago. Fort Detrick lab was closed due to security concerns back in July 2019. Remember pulmonary infection around that  lab back then and how they blamed it on e- cigarettes? Also, in my opinion, some of American participants in military Olympics in Wuham were probably already infected (purposely or coincidentally) and this is how all started.  The gouvernment and media want us to believe it started in Wuham. My question is how come nobody never ever had the idea to investigate the Fort Detrick lab connection with covid-19 pandemic?
中文翻译:在我看来,答案就是 Ralph Baric 和 Fort Detrick 实验室。 我很久以前就想通了。 德特里克堡实验室于 2019 年 7 月因安全问题关闭。还记得当时该实验室周围的肺部感染以及他们如何将其归咎于电子烟吗? 另外,在我看来,一些参加武汉军事奥运会的美国参与者可能已经(有意或无意地)被感染了,这就是一切的开始。 政府和媒体希望我们相信它始于武汉。 我的问题是,为什么从来没有人想过要调查德特里克堡实验室与 covid-19 大流行的关系? 6park.com

另一位网友David Gallardo分析道:What the heck happened at that end of the interview? I believe it was not an unreasonable question for Kim to ask about the possibility, however remote, that the coronavirus in question arose in North Carolina. Yes, unlikely nevertheless possible based on what the guest was saying. And yet the guest seemed quite uncomfortable that her presentation raised this possibility. 中文翻译:大卫加拉多6小时前: 采访快要结束时到底发生了什么? 我认为,KIM提出有关冠状病毒在北卡罗来纳州出现的可能性(无论多么遥远)并不是一个不合理的问题。 是的,但根据客人所说的话,这不太可能。 然而,这位客人似乎很不舒服,因为她的介绍提出了这种可能性。 6park.com

ILLUSIONS OF EMPIRE 3 hours ago All the Hill interviewers appeared woefully unprepared to conduct the interview as if nobody wants to do it. The truly telling moment is at the very end, when the reporter states – a potential lab leak absolutely needs to be investigated. Kim points out, if Daszak threw Baric under the bus, will you be investigating a lab leak occurring at North Carolina? The reporter becomes clearly uncomfortable and states, no she does not believe it came out of UNC and that is not on the table. When challenged by Kim on this, she backtracks to say that is unclear where the work happened. Kim immediately states well if it’s unclear why aren’t you investigating it? Grimm becomes immediately addlepated and goes into word salad, at once saying no, it would have happened in Wuhan, but then circles back to ask if that work took place at UNC. A really weird show, that one might suggest presents exactly how the Intercept will be working to uncover, not the truth, but the limited hangout narrative – their moneyed masters have preordained. 6park.com

帝国的幻觉 3小时前 可悲的是,所有HILL电视台的采访者似乎都没有准备好进行采访,好像没有人愿意这样做。真正有说服力的时刻是在最后,记者指出——绝对需要调查潜在的实验室泄漏。 Kim 指出,如果 Daszak 出卖 Baric,将他扔到车轮子下,你会调查发生在北卡罗来纳州的实验室泄漏吗?那个女记者明显感到不自在,并表示,不,她不相信它来自 UNC(北卡大),而且这不是摆在桌面上的。当Kim对此提出质疑时,她回溯说不清楚这活儿在哪里干的。Kim 立即说那好,既然不清楚你为什么不去调查清楚,格林顿时神情恍惚开始胡言乱语,一字一顿地说,不,这应该在武汉发生,但随后又转过身来询问这项工作是否发生在北卡罗来纳大学。 非常奇怪的一个节目,有人可能会建议确切地展示如何通过拦截运作去揭露的不是真相,而是半真半假的叙述(译注:指发现纸包不住火时,为自己找说辞和退路)——一如他们有钱的主人已经提前预先设定好了的。 6park.com

贴主:balabingbang于2022_03_20 19:51:23编辑
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