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送交者: 超级计算[♂☆★声望品衔8★☆♂] 于 2022-04-12 8:40 已读 7428 次  


Infosys INFY recently launched an 'Aerospace Engineering and Digital Innovation Centre' jointly in collaboration with Rolls-Royce RYCEY to offer research and development services integrated with advanced digital capabilities over the next seven years.

Located in Bengaluru, India, the center intends to boost civil aerospace market growth by serving Rolls-Royce's India-based engineering and group business service clients. Combining Rolls-Royce's aerospace and engineering expertise with Infosys' digital services capabilities, the deal is aimed at delivering advanced manufacturing engineering services. Notably, both companies intend on developing cost optimization strategies through this aerospace and digital innovation center.

This extension is likely to strengthen Rolls-Royce's position in the global civil aerospace ecosystem while raising research opportunities for the local manufacturing engineering talents across India. In December 2020, both the parties engaged in a partnership for sourcing engineering and R&D Services integrated with advanced digital services.

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