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比照中国订292架空巴, Delta订100架波音737max. 用命来挺737Max.
送交者: nymd[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2022-07-19 21:19 已读 1124 次  


Delta Air Lines is buying 100 Boeing 737 Max 10 planes, its first major order for new aircraft from the U.S. manufacturer in more than a decade.

The deal has options for 30 more of the planes. Deliveries are slated to begin in 2025.

new order is good news for Boeing as Airbus recently won high-profile
sales, including to several of China’s state-owned airlines. Boeing
lamented trade tensions when that order was announced.

The order
is worth $13.5 billion at list prices but discounts are common,
especially for large sales. Delta didn’t disclose how much it paid but
said the sale wouldn’t change its latest capital expenditure forecast.

said Monday that the order will modernize its narrow-body fleet as the
carrier seeks to capitalize on a rebound in travel following the record
slump caused by the Covid pandemic. It said the Max planes will be 20%-30% more fuel-efficient than the jetliners they will replace.

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