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送交者: larryhuang3[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2023-01-22 2:17 已读 891 次 7 赞  


最近全球用 Lunar New Year 取代 Chinese New Year 的歪风不断日盛, 对此我们海外华人有必要奋起捍卫中国新年. 6park.com

尤其这两天韩国人气女团 NewJeans 的成员 Daniel 因为使用 Chinese New Year 一词被韩国网民骂了一千多楼只能无奈道歉. 就此, 我在油管上 New Jeans 的兔年贺词视频下面留言: Happy Chinese New Year. 马上就有韩国人回帖: " 'Happy 'Korea!' new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' " 6park.com

下面是我的回帖, 各位以后和老外说明类似问题时能用得上: 6park.com

@손세은  This calendar system and Chinese zodiac, including the year of Rabbit/Bunny was invented by China, you are welcome to use it or celebrate it,  but you shouldn't rename it. Naming was done by the inventor well before you guys knew it. Also, you should be thankful to Chinese people for inventing the system, and letting the surrounding countries like Korea and Vietnam use it without any charge. 6park.com

More over, Korean netizens shouldn't bully Daniel for using the correct name: Chinese New Year. 6park.com

接着是更后续的多名韩国人的发言和我的回复: 6park.com


韩1: 6park.com

Don't Chinese people use the word "chinese" when claiming that kimchi and hanbok are Chinese? 6park.com


我: 6park.com

@맹구  No, we have our own way of processing vegetable called "Pao Cai" and we never want to take kimchi as ours. As for Chinese traditional costume, that's our tradition for thousands of years, called Hanfu. Your hanbok looks like our Hanfu is just because the Chinese empire had big influence at surrounding east Asian countries like Japan, Korea, Vietnam and so on. You may go read your contry's history books about that. And by the way, Korean history before 15th century was written in Chinese, that was before your 世宗大王 invented Korean written language in the historical document called 训民正音. 6park.com


韩1: 6park.com

@Larry Huang  It is a fact that all Koreans know that Chinese characters were used in the past, and there are no Koreans who deny that. However, the first initiation was when the Chinese began claiming that kimchi and hanbok belonged to China a few years ago, and Koreans show a reluctance to associate everything with China. Daniel of new jeans doesn't seem to understand the feelings of Koreans. 6park.com


我: 6park.com

@맹구  No we didn't try to take kimchi from you. We have our Pao Cai. Also I don't know why Koreans think China wanted to take hanbok, we have our own Hanfu. Is it because when you see our Hanfu you feel it looks like Hanbok? If that's the reason, I explained, your hanbok was influenced by Chinese culture, just like Japanese traditional costume was influenced by our Tang Dynasty's costume. That's just the history of east Asia. So if Koreans don't want to associate anything to China, fine, you may remove your Chinese character names on your ID cards and burn the historical books and documents. But Koreans didn't do that, right? 6park.com


韩1: 6park.com

@Larry Huang  A few years ago, I saw a video on YouTube of a Weibo influencer Chinese woman claiming that Hanbok is Chinese. And Chinese characters on identification cards have already existed for decades, and there has been no such cultural conflict with Chinese people before. These problems have arisen in recent years, and the Chinese are the first ones to do so. Even if you remove the Chinese characters, there is no problem in seeing your ID. 6park.com


我: 6park.com

 @맹구  That's just her opinion, general Chinese public don't think hanbok is ours. However we notice hanbok looks like our Hanfu especially our Ming dynasty's costume, that's the influence of China in east Asia and we are happy to see other cultures borrow some Chinese elements. However you guys are only welcome to use them, not to rename them. Like the case of Chinese New Year and year of rabbit, you are welcome to celebrate it, but don't try to remove the Chinese element by renaming it to Lunar New Year or Korea New Year like the other Korean did when replying to me. 6park.com


韩网民2: 6park.com

 @Larry Huang  It is wonderful to love and preserve one's own culture. But the Chinese go too far. "Thank the Chinese for inventing the system" <- this is quite surprising. Brits don't tell English-speaking countries to thank the Brits, but The Chinese think that they are the center of the world and hate the attitude of looking down on other countries. 6park.com


我: 6park.com

@윤일숙  Well they should thank Brits for inventing English. I'm very thankful to them when I started learning English, and till today the same. I'm also thankful to Koreans for inventing paper folding fan, which is widely used in east Asian countries for painting and writing poems. So what's wrong with being thankful to Chinese for inventing Chinese calendar and Chinese zodiac? If you guys use them, you should. Chinese empire has been the center of east Asia for thousands of years, that a fact no one can change, modern China now treats surrounding countries as equal members of the international community, that's it.
贴主:larryhuang3于2023_01_22 5:04:11编辑
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