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Congratulations on Avdeevka Liberation, Russia and Your Allies
送交者: 王利民[♂☆品衔R3☆♂] 于 2024-02-17 14:25 已读 1229 次 1 赞  


Congratulations on Avdeevka Liberation, Russia and Your Allies
by Limin Wang
Feb. 17, 2024 6park.com

Olodymyr Elensky should have held his Jewish cockishness and ordered both his and his masters' cannon fodders at Avdeevka, Former Ukraine, as long as possible for the FAKE "liberty", FAKE "democracy". The next top priority for Russia and its allies in FORMER Ukraine, in my opinion, is to go North along the Left bank area of Dnipro River, for taking full control of city Zaporizhzhia. If the Former Ukraine's backup defense lines to the west of Avdeevka and Marinka are not so strong, then the top priority for Russia and its Allies would be to drive deeper and wider to the west after the recent liberations of Marinka and Avdeevka.
贴主:王利民于2024_02_24 14:02:26编辑
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