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一群美国Tiktok 内容创作者,在美国联邦法院起诉美国政府的非卖即关的法律
送交者: 卢火[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-05-14 19:16 已读 1290 次  


WASHINGTON, May 14 (Reuters) - A group of TikTok creators said Tuesday they filed suit in U.S. federal court seeking to block a law signed by President Joe Biden that would force the divestiture of the short video app used by 170 million Americans or ban it, saying it has had "a profound effect on American life."
The TikTok users suing include a Texas Marine Corps veteran who sells his ranch products, a Tennessee woman selling cookies and discussing parenting, a North Dakota college coach who makes sports commentary videos, a Mississippi hip hop artist who shares Biblical quizzes and a recent college graduate in North Carolina who advocates for the rights of sexual-assault survivors.
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