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送交者: 不真不善难忍[♂☆正气☆♂] 于 2017-08-03 21:59 已读 3647 次  



新奥尔良Katrina飓风后这位狙击手正在瞄准looter,弱弱的问一声如果政府救援得力及时,灾民会loot吗? 6park.com


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“Did you have any problems with looters,” [sic] asked an officer. “Not anymore,” said Gleason. “Not anymore?” “They’re all dead,” said Gleason. The officer asked, “What happened?” “We shot them,” said Gleason. “How many did you shoot? “Thirty-eight.” “Thirty-eight people? What did you do with the bodies?” “We gave them to the Coast Guard,” said Gleason. 记得movie American sniper吗?其主角Chris Kyle说他以及其他seal被派遣到新奥尔良狙击looter。Chris Kyle说他自己射杀了几十个(dozens): In early 2012, I had an unexpected conversation with my friend Chris Kyle (author of American Sniper) about the Katrina debacle. I had heard rumblings about Special Operations (mainly SEALs) snipers being deployed to New Orleans to support the effort to restore order. He confirmed the rumors and shared his own intimate knowledge that close contacts of his, many who were apparently still serving on active duty, took leave to work for the controversial PMC (Private Military Company),Blackwater. Chris went on to tell me that the bulk of the guys he knew directly had racked up over thirty kills between them near and around the Super Dome. I asked him about Rules of Engagement, and asked, “Who were they shooting at,” and he just gave me a big Texas shrug and smile. I figured out really quick that it was 180 grains of due process (usually to the head at 200M). http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/did-special-forces-snipers-kill-americans-after-katrina/#ixzz4okdWxNT

下面链接描述似乎比较客观: http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2009/08/secret-history-hurricane-katrina/ 下面链接说成千上万的looter被打死,似乎夸大了: http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2014/07/blackwater-snipers-killed-thousands-of-katrina-victims-2989736.html

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