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送交者: 爷是老中医[★品衔R6★] 于 2019-04-13 8:33 已读 1728 次 4 赞  


独坐云端2013/8/5 10:29:39 导读:最近看到一篇博文,关于美国如何颠覆一个国家的政权,分析的挺到位,所以想和各位分享一下。 原文链接:http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/us-subversion-model-bosnia-v4-kosovo-v3.html 其中罗列了美国颠覆一个国家政权的主要步骤: 1. Identify some minority and/or opposition group and "help" it (in the name of democra 6park.com

最近看到一篇博文,关于美国如何颠覆一个国家的政权,分析的挺到位,所以想和各位分享一下。 6park.com


原文链接:http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/us-subversion-model-bosnia-v4-kosovo-v3.html 6park.com

其中罗列了美国颠覆一个国家政权的主要步骤: 6park.com


1. Identify some minority and/or opposition group and "help" it (in the name of democracy and human right, of course) by providing it with money and visibility

确定一些少数民族或反对派团体,提供金钱“帮助”(以民主或人权的名义),并且提高他们的知名度。 6park.com

2. Try to foment some civil unrest and/or violent incidents

试着挑起一些内乱和/或暴力事件 6park.com

3. Encourage and assist the minority and/or opposition group to denounce any governmental reaction to the unrests/incidents

鼓励和帮助少数民族和/或反对派组织,去谴责任何政府对动乱事件的反应 6park.com

4. Spread rumors about all sorts of atrocities already committed or soon to be committed

散布谣言,关于暴行已经被民众认可,或即将被认可。 6park.com

5. Back up these rumors by making sure that atrocities are actually committed against the minority/opposition, against the regime and against civilians, bystanders and random people 支持这些谣言,确保实际犯下暴行的少数派/反对派被确实认可。反对该政权,无论平民、旁观者、或其他人。 6park.com

6. Initiate phase one of a strategic psyop campaign in the corporate media which will present a simple narrative explaining that the minority/opposition are "innocent victims who only want freedom, democracy and human rights" while the "hated regime" in power is "bloody" and "dictatorial" 6park.com

启动第一阶段的战略心理战攻势,在公众媒体将呈现一个简单的叙述,说明,少数/反对派是“无辜的受害者,他们只想要自由,民主和人权”,而“讨厌的政权”执政是“血腥”和“独裁”的 6park.com

7. Begin sending special agents tasked with unifying the various minority/opposition groups and take control, via typically via exiles, of the top echelons of the opposition

开始派遣特务,负责统一各少数民族/反对派团体,并采取控制。通常是扶植流亡人士进入反对派的最高层 6park.com

8. Initiate phase two of the strategic pysop campaign in the corporate media which will present the unified opposition as the "sole legitimate representative" of "the people"

启动第二阶段的战略心理战攻势,将统一后的反对派,称为“民众的唯一合法代表” 6park.com

9. Demand negotiations between the "sole legitimate representative" of "the people" and the regime and create some "troika", "quartet" or "action group" composed of vassal states to participate in the "negotiations"       要求“民众的唯一合法代表”与政府进行磋商,并且要求美国的附属国们参与“磋商“


10. Declare that the regime has lost all "credibility or "confidence" and therefore reject any and all offers of negotiations or cease-fires proposed by the regime as "not credible"

声明这个政权已经失去了所有的“信誉”或“信心”,因此拒绝任何和所有的谈判结果或停火协议。 6park.com

11. Create one or more false flag atrocities against the minority/opposition

针对反对派制造有标志性的虚假的暴行,(嫁祸给政府) 6park.com

12. Initiate phase three of the strategic psyop campaign in the corporate media and flood the public with outraged statements about "crimes against humanity" and even "genocide"

启动第三阶段的战略心理战攻势,在公众媒体充斥“反人类罪”甚至是“种族灭绝”的报道,引发公众(对政府)愤怒 6park.com

13. Demand an arms embargo on all the parties to the conflict and immediately initiate a large scale deliveries of weapons and "foreign fighters"

对冲冲突各方实施武器禁运,但立即对反对派输送大量武器,和“外国战士” 6park.com

14. Seize the assets of the regime and its officials and use it to covertly finance the insurgency

夺取政权及其官员的资产,并用它来暗中资助叛乱 6park.com

15. Respond to any military success by the regime by demanding the "protection" of civilians, preferably under Chapter VII of the UN Charter

如果政府军取得成功,就使用联合国宪章第七章,保护人权的名义(来直接介入) 6park.com

16a.If a Chapter VII UNSC Resolution is adopted, make sure that NATO countries provide the bulk of the military forces engaged 6park.com

如果联合国宪章第七章的有关决议被采纳,确保北约国家会提供大量的军事介入 6park.com

16b.If a Chapter VII UNSC Resolution is not adopted, vehemently denounce the UNSC members which vetoed it, and create a "coalition of the willing" justified under the "Duty to Intervene" (“le devoir d'ingérence" in French) theory

如果联合国宪章第七章的有关决议没有被采纳,极力声讨否决了联合国安理会的成员,并建立一个“有共同意愿联盟”(实则美国及其附属国)合理的根据“责任干预”理论(详见“le devoir d'ingérence" 法文版)进行干预 6park.com

17. Send special operation forces, including forward air controllers, to coordinate the insurgency and the upcoming air campaign

输送特别行动力量,包括迅速空中控制,协同叛乱和即将到来的空中战役 6park.com

18. Apply the Combined Joint Task Force doctrine to send enough troops (and mercenaries) to secure key facilities and objectives in the country

派遣联合特遣部队,以足够的兵力和雇佣军,瘫痪全国重要设施和目标 6park.com

19. Hunt down ex-regime officials and send them to the Hague

捕杀前政权官员,并送他们到海牙(国际战犯法庭) 6park.com

20. Declare victory, built a few military bases and let the corporations take over the resources of the country

宣布胜利,建几个军事基地,并让(美国或其附属国)公司接管该国的资源 6park.com




贴主:爷是老中医于2019_04_13 9:17:09编辑
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