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英文原创 Why COVID-19 didn’t originate in China 为你怼美国神经病递子弹
送交者: balabingbang[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2020-05-04 16:37 已读 1497 次 6 赞  


不能不说中国在国际舆论场基本上没有存在感,急的连环球总编胡锡进都操着俄语腔 + 洋泾浜的英语亲自披挂上阵,钦佩之余不禁感叹中国这方面确实需要补强;刘欣与狐狸台的翠西唇枪舌剑,英语一流辩术却令人遗憾,事后Nathan Rich专门发了一个视频给她补课;外交部诸公舌战群儒,却官话连篇言辞生硬,往往力有不逮,即便其中佼佼者,如英国大使刘晓明,也是面红耳赤,全无从容之态;自媒体方面我最喜欢的萨莎常常妙语连珠,观点新颖,又有国际视野,如果在英文平台保准簇拥有如过江之卿,却只能出口转外销,只有老中有福享受。到头来还是要靠Nathan Rich, 罗斯义,Martin Jacques (马丁. 雅克)等一众外国名嘴在外替泱泱大国发声。有感于此,特作下文,为有心为中国发声的同仁递上子弹: 6park.com

So far I haven't seen enough evidence to completely rule out the possibility that CV-19 first manifested in Wuhan only due to outstanding alertness and diligence of their medical professionals while completely being misdiagnosed as flu or pneumonia elsewhere (Italy, France, and the US) in the world. 1. Recent findings show that the 1st US case so far died in Ca from community infection on Feb 06 this year, push the beginning of US outbreak to as far back as last year; 2. The US epicenter quickly shifted to NY and east coast after a brief outbreak in Wa and the general agreement is that most NY cases came from Europe; 3. The majority of overseas Chinese community infection levels are significantly below the local average in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Canada...and every state in the US; 4. The majority of US infections are of a different strain of virus from that of Wuhan and China but identical to the European ones. 5. Judging by the difference in efficacy bt China's anti-epidemic system and those from the rest of the world so far, it only makes sense that only China was sharp enough to have caught and identified this evasive and cunning virus when the rest of the whole world was still in the dark 6. An intensive care chief in the Paris region has told local media that the virus was present in France on 27 December - a month before the first cases were confirmed. https://www.bfmtv.com/sante/coronavirus-le-professeur-cohen-affirme-qu-il-y-avait-un-cas-de-covid-19-en-france-des-le-27-decembre-1906757.html 7. New Jersey's Belleveille Mayor Michael Melham claimed that he contracted COVID-19 back in November 21, 2019,concurring with my first point above https://patch.com/new-jersey/belleville/amp/28720808/belleville-mayor-has-coronavirus-antibodies-heres-what-it-means
贴主:balabingbang于2020_05_04 20:50:51编辑
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