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  编者按:这是赵淦同志在外网看到的一篇将毛主席与耶稣基督作比较的文章,感觉很有趣,于是他翻译成了中文,供大家阅读指教。 6park.com

  文章来源:https://www.deviantart.com/davidmcb/journal/mao-and-jesus-224618283 6park.com



  本文将对毛泽东和耶稣基督作一些比较。当然,本着理性思维,所有的比较都必须客观公正,符合历史事实。总的来说,在一些领域,毛泽东比不上耶稣,但在另一些领域,毛泽东略胜耶稣一筹。 6park.com

  我们先来探讨那些毛泽东不如耶稣的领域。 6park.com

  首先,毛泽东的著作不如耶稣基督的受欢迎。《新约》的刊印量要远远超过《毛选》的刊印量。当然,《新约》的问世远早于《毛选》。另一个原因是,毛泽东的著作较为理论化、哲学化,而《新约》喜欢讲故事,还是那种“以人为本”的故事:情节感人、语言优美。哪怕大字不识一个的人也爱听这种故事。所以,在这种意义上,《新约》得以拥有远超《毛选》的受众。 6park.com

  其次,耶稣基督出身比毛泽东更富裕。耶稣出生在一个富裕的地主阶级家庭,他的母亲甚至还是处女。耶稣从来不用担心生计问题。相较而言,毛泽东的家庭条件要差许多:那是个农民家庭,全家人常因生活难以维系而发愁。 6park.com

  接下来,我们来讨论那些毛泽东和耶稣难分伯仲的领域。 6park.com

  首先,他们两个都提高了群众的总体健康水平。耶稣是个好医生,他有着妙手回春的本领,甚至能够起死回生。毛泽东动员群众改善公共卫生,在新中国建立的寥寥几年内就消灭了霍乱、天花等疾病。在他的领导下,中国在世界上首次人工合成胰岛素,并引入许多现代化医疗器械和医疗方法,他还发动了“赤脚医生”运动,把大众医疗知识传播到缺乏医疗设备的落后村庄去。 6park.com

  即使耶稣包治百病,他只能医治同他见过面的人,而耶稣当然是个大忙人,所以他见不到多少人。而毛泽东的动员改善了中国6亿人民的健康状况。但鉴于毛泽东本人并不是医生,也没有起死回生的本事,我们姑且认为,在医疗方面,毛泽东和耶稣平分秋色。 6park.com

  其次,他们两个都提倡“爱人”。耶稣说过,要爱你的仇敌,就像爱你的朋友一样。毛泽东说过,我们必须爱我们的阶级弟兄,对待同志要像春天般温暖,对待敌人要像严冬一样无情。我本人不是很理解为什么耶稣基督说我们要爱我们的仇敌,如果你是我的仇敌,我当然希望你倒大霉。但不管怎么说,毛泽东和耶稣在这方面是相平的。 6park.com

  最后,让我们讨论那些毛泽东胜过耶稣基督的领域。 6park.com

  首先,毛泽东使中华民族站了起来,变得强大。1949年之前,中国任由列强摆布。1840年,几千名英国士兵就把清王朝打得屁滚尿流。1858年,是英法联军的几千名士兵;1894年,是2万名日本士兵;然后,是八国联军的几万名士兵;再接着,1931年,是日本帝国军…… 6park.com

  但在1949年之后,彭德怀迫使联合国军于1954年在朝韩边境签署停战协定,帝国主义在东方架起几门大炮,就可以征服一个国家、一个民族的历史一去不复返了。在朝鲜,中国能与世界上最强大的军事力量打成平手。美国人花了十几年时间试图击败越南,而在1979年,中国只用了两周就打入越南境内3公里,还攻占了几座越南城市…… 6park.com

  而耶稣基督呢?犹太人数千年来受尽凌辱,四处漂泊。到1948年,他们才得以在一片名为以色列的土地上落脚。但时至今日,这片土地仍不安宁,仍是战火纷飞…… 6park.com

  其次,毛泽东为中国建立了一套完整的工、农、技、教体系。在毛泽东时代,中国成功研发制造了核弹、氢弹、洲际导弹、核潜艇……但在耶稣率领下,犹太人什么也没创造出来,仍旧生活在原始社会或奴隶社会。更甚,耶稣基督的思想严重阻碍了科学进步。例如,许多像伽利略、布鲁诺这样智慧的科学家因为忤逆耶稣的教义而被处死。中世纪是整个欧洲文明史上最黑暗的时期。 6park.com

  第三,毛泽东使中华民族人口倍增、繁荣兴旺。毛泽东掌权之初,中国只有5亿人口,到1980年人口普查,中国人口已经达到10亿。在生物学中,某种细菌种群密度的增长是衡量这种细菌生存环境和健康状况的重要指标。迅猛的增长,说明这种细菌生活在良好适宜的环境中。在经济学中,有个著名的术语叫做“毛泽东式跳跃”,用来指代某国人口的突然增长,是衡量该国国民生活水平大幅度提高的指标。我敢肯定,几年前有位法国经济学家因提出“毛泽东式跳跃”获得诺贝尔经济学奖。 6park.com

  耶稣基督做过什么事使犹太民族人口增多吗?没有。在这个方面,毛泽东完胜耶稣。 6park.com

  最后,耶稣是个自大狂,行事颇具贵族风格。他老是提及他父亲的名号,要是有人反对他,他就自称是上帝的儿子,凡违逆他和他父亲意志的,必受惩罚……他还强迫别人去信仰他,不允许任何任何人怀疑他或质疑他的观点,他总是强调他是最伟大的,无人能比,他是惟一知晓真理的人,等等。这样的态度是非常恶劣的,只有那些骄奢的富家子弟才会有这种态度。 6park.com

  至于毛泽东,则要谦虚的多。他常说自己为中国做的还不够,常说自己也会犯错误。他常在党的内部会议上作自我检讨,因为觉得自己在“大跃进”中犯了错误,他甚至主动辞职。后来,他要求党把他犯过的错误一一列入党的官方文件,因为他不想被当作“神”铭记。今天,当你翻阅中国共产党官方文件对毛泽东的描述时,你会发现,许多地方都提及毛泽东犯过的错误。 6park.com



  以下为英文原文: 6park.com

  This post will make a comparison between Mao Zedong and Jesus
Christ. Of course, from an engineering mindset, any comparison must be
objective and based on historical data. There are some areas where Mao
Zedong is not as great as Jesus, and some areas where Mao Zedong is
greater than Jesus. 6park.com

  Let's first discuss the areas where Mao Zedong is not as great. 6park.com

  First, Mao Zedong's writings are not as popular as Jesus Christ's.
The published copies of the New Testament book is much much more than
the copies of Mao Zedong's Collected Writings. But of course, the New
Testament existed much longer than Mao Zedong's writings. Another reason
is that Mao Zedong's books are very theoretical and philosophical. But
the New Testament book is mostly about stories, and are very
"humanity-major"-like stories: very touching, very beautiful words, etc.
So even an uneducated people can enjoy those stories. So in this sense,
the New Testament book can reach a bigger audience than Mao Zedong's
books. 6park.com

  Second, Jesus Christ is from a wealthier family than Mao Zedong.
Jesus's family is from a rich landowner class, and his mother is even a
virgin. Jesus never had to worry about not having enough money to
survive. In comparison, Mao Zedong's family is much worse: it's a
farmer's family, and the entire family always worried about making a
living. 6park.com

  Now, Let's talk about areas where they are both equal. 6park.com

  First, both men improved the general health of the population.
Jesus was a good doctor, and can cure every disease with his hands, and
can even bring back the dead from the grave. Mao Zedong mobilized the
masses to improve public health, and eliminated diseases such as cholera
and smallpox only several years after the founding of new China. Under
his leadership, China successfully created the world's first artificial
insulin, and introduced many modern medicine and treatment methods, and
started the movement of "barefoot doctors" to spread general public
medical knowlegde to backward villages that lacked modern medical
equipment. 6park.com

  But, even though Jesus can cure anything, he can only cure those
people he meets, and of course Jesus is a busy man, so he could not meet
too many people... Mao Zedong's mobilization campaigns improved the
health of the entire 0.6 billion Chinese population. But Mao Zedong
himself is not a doctor, and cannot bring people from the dead. So,
let's just say those two are equal. 6park.com

  Also, both men promoted loving others. Jesus said you should love
your enemies just like you love your friends. Mao Zedong said, we must
love our class friends, and must treat our friends like the warmth of
spring, but treat our enemies like the wind of winter. I still don't
understand why Jesus Christ says we must love our enemies, if you are my
enemy, of course I want bad things to happen to you. But anyway, let's
just say they are both equal in this respect. 6park.com

  Finally, let's talk about areas where Mao Zedong surpassed Jesus Christ. 6park.com

  First, Mao Zedong made Chinese nation rise and become stronger.
Before 1949, every nation could push China around. In 1840, a few
thousand British soldiers totally beat the crap out of the Qing Empire.
In 1858, it's a few thousand British/French soldiers, In 1894, it's
twenty thousand Japanese soldiers, then it's tens of thousands of
soldiers from 8 Western countries, then it's the Japanese Emperial Army
in 1931..... 6park.com

  But after 1949, Peng De Huai forced the UN forces to sign the
ceasefire treaty on the Korean border in 1954, ending the history where
emperial powers can set up a few cannons on the sea outside Shanghai and
conquer China. In Korea, China was able to achieve a draw with the most
militarily powerful country in the world. American spent 10+ years
trying to defeat Vietnam, while it took China two weeks in 1979 to
across 3 km's into Vietnam and occupy some Vietnamese cities.... 6park.com

  What about Jesus Christ? The Jews have always been bullied and
massacred everywhere. Only in 1948 did they get a land called Israel.
But even today, there's no peace on that land, but instead all kinds of
car bombings... 6park.com

  Second, Mao Zedong created for China a complete system of Industry,
Farming, Technology and Education. During Mao Zedong's rule, China
successfully researched and built Nuclear Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb,
Intercontinental Missile, Nuclear Submarine... But under Jesus's rule,
the Jewish created nothing, and still lived under a primitive/slave
society. And also, the ideas of Jesus Christ severely hurt the progress
of Science. For example, many bright scientists such as Galileo and
Bruno were prosecuted and killed for violating Jesus Christ's thinking.
The middle age in Europe is the darkest age in European civilization. 6park.com

  Third, Mao Zedong allowed the Chinese nation's population to
multiply and prosper. When Mao Zedong first took power, China had 0.5
billion people. In 1980's census, China had 1.0 billion people. We know
that in biology, the population growth of a type of bacteria is a strong
indicator of that bacteria's environment and health. Stronger growth
means that bacteria is living in a very healthy and favorable
environment. In economics, there's a famous term called "Mao Zedong
Jump" which is used to refer to a sudden growth in a nation's
population, and is an indicator of a massive improvement in the living
standards of that nation. I believe a few years ago a French economist
won the Nobel Prize for creating the theory of "Mao Zedong Jump". 6park.com

  Did Jesus Christ do anything to increase the population of the Jews? No. So in this point, Mao Zedong totally surpassed Jesus. 6park.com

  Finally, Jesus is a very arrogant man, and often acts like he's an
aristocrat. He often brings up his father's name, and if someone
disagrees with him, he'll claim that his father is God, and anyone who
disagrees with him or his father will be punished... And he also forces
others to believe him, and does not allow any one to doubt or challenge
his opinions, and often emphasizes that he's the greatest, and no one
can compare with him, and he's the only one who knows the truth, etc etc
etc. This is a very bad attitude and only spoiled rich people have this
kind of attitude. 6park.com

  Mao Zedong, on the other hand, is much more modest. He often says
that he has not done enough for China, and often says that it's possible
that he would make mistakes. And he often made many self-criticisms
during internal meetings of his Party, and even stepped down voluntarily
when he thought he made some mistakes during the "Great Leap Forward".
And later in life, he forced his own party to write that he made many
mistakes in official party documents, as he does not want to be
remembered as a "God". So today, if you read the official document on
Mao Zedong from the Chinese Communist Party, you'll find many areas
where it says Mao Zedong made many mistakes. 6park.com

  Overall, I think Mao Zedong is a greater man than Jesus Christ. I
don't understand why many Jesus-believers want the entire human race to
worship Jesus, I think Jesus is nothing but a tribal leader. I think
there are more reasons to worship Mao Zedong than Jesus Christ. Of
course I don't believe in worshipping anyone, I think everyone is equal
and human.

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