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送交者: hutuchongchong[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2023-02-26 21:40 已读 1490 次 1 赞  


2 月 25 日——摩根城——众议院教育委员会周六批准了一项旨在遏制中共渗透大学校园的法案。 在国会大厦对面,全体参议院批准了允许智能设计教学的法案 HB 3049 是美国校园法案。 在其推出的版本中有专门针对中国的部分。 它将禁止州立高等教育机构在 7 月 1 日之后建立或承认中国对外机构,如果已有,则要着手制定终止这种关系。 它还呼吁机构停止任何被联邦政府认定为中国宣传工具的文化交流项目。 它还禁止任何机构、雇员、学生或承包商参与共产主义中国的招聘计划。 6park.com

Feb. 25—MORGANTOWN — The House Education Committee on Saturday approved a bill aimed at curbing Communist Chinese infiltration of college campuses. Across the Capitol, the full Senate approved the bill to allow teaching of Intelligent Design HB 3049 is the American Campuses Act. In its introduced version it was aimed specifically at China. It would forbid a state higher education institution from establishing or recognizing a Chinese foreign mission by July 1, and if one is present to devise a plan to end the relationship.

It also called for institutions to end any cultural exchange programs identified by the federal government as Chinese propaganda tools. And it forbade any institution, employee, student or contractor from participating in a Communist Chinese recruitment program.

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