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波音吹哨人,两死,还有至少十个人, 他们的命运几何?
送交者: 卢火[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-05-04 15:49 已读 913 次 1 赞  



Boeing whistleblowers including Quality Engineer Sam Salehpour; Ed Pierson, Executive Director of The Foundation for Aviation Safety and a Former Boeing Engineer; Joe Jacobsen, Aerospace Engineer and Technical Advisor to the Foundation for Aviation Safety and a former FAA Engineer; and Shawn Pruchnicki, Ph.D, Professional Practice Assistant Professor for Integrated Systems Engineering at The Ohio State University, are sworn in before they testify at a Senate Investigation hearing to examine Boeing's broken safety culture. 6park.com

AP 6park.com

The sky is falling — at least on Boeing. 6park.com

A second whistleblower has died under mysterious circumstances, just two months after another one allegedly shot himself in the head — and the attorneys for both men hope their deaths don’t scare away the at least 10 other whistleblowers who want the company to clean up its act. 6park.com

Joshua Dean, 45, a former quality auditor at Spirit AeroSystems which assembles fuselage sections for Boeing, died Tuesday morning from a fast-growing mystery infection.
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