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送交者: 珠漪慝[♀☆★★园丁★★☆♀] 于 2022-10-14 15:59 已读 703 次 5 赞  


“My Fellow Americans, Ukrainians are fighting for the values that we Americans fought for in 1776, and still champion: the right to independence and freedom. They are reminding us what it means to sacrifice for love of country. 

“If Vladimir Putin is permitted to seize a neighboring country by force — something unheard of in Europe since Adolf Hitler — his appetite will be whetted for further conquest. If he can use the threat of nuclear weapons to achieve victory, that threat will be raised against Europe or the United States in the future. China, North Korea, and Iran are watching closely. 

“So I want to make clear that any use of tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine will bring catastrophic consequences to Russia. The Kremlin should be in no doubt that the United States and its democratic allies will respond decisively, as we have conveyed to them in detail. 

“As for Putin’s barbaric missile attacks on civilians, our, and our allies’ response will be to urgently expedite the immediate arrival of air defense systems to Ukraine that we had previously planned to deliver months or years from now. We will also supply longer-range munitions so that Ukraine can precisely hit the Russian launchers aimed at civilian targets. It is vital to help Ukraine make further gains before winter sets in. 

“And when it comes to an off-ramp for Putin, let me quote my friend Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who said: ‘Off-ramp? The way out of the conflict is for Russia to leave Ukraine.’ 

“This is a war of independence against an imperialist Russian autocrat that is acting like a fascist conqueror from the World War II era. We must preserve international law — as enshrined in the U.N. charter — that rules out such barbarity. We will stand with Ukraine until Putin realizes it is time to end his war of conquest, or Ukrainians force him to do so — and until Russia rejoins the civilized world.” 6park.com

我的美国同胞们,乌克兰人正在为我们美国人在 1776 年为之奋斗的价值观而奋斗,并且仍然在捍卫:独立和自由的权利。他们在提醒我们为爱国而牺牲意味着什么。 6park.com






贴主:珠漪慝于2022_10_14 16:16:39编辑
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