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送交者: 珠漪慝[♀☆★★园丁★★☆♀] 于 2022-10-22 10:50 已读 853 次 3 赞  


In the course of the address, Xi promised to "safeguard the overall interests of the Chinese nation and take resolute steps to oppose 'Taiwan independence' and promote reunification." And though he also said his government set out to promote cross-strait cultural, economic and political exchanges, he reiterated his warning that force would always be an option to bring the island under mainland Chinese control. 

"Taiwan is China's Taiwan. Resolving the Taiwan question is a matter for the Chinese, a matter that must be resolved by the Chinese," Xi said. "We will continue to strive for peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and the utmost effort, but we will never promise to renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all measures necessary." 

"This is directed solely at interference by outside forces and the few separatists seeking 'Taiwan independence' and their separatist activities," he added, "it is by no means targeted at our Taiwan compatriots."

贴主:珠漪慝于2022_10_22 10:52:52编辑
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