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中国的棉花 --- 终于点名了,都该标成新疆棉吧
送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-04-08 8:07 已读 910 次  


https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/8/7450209/ 6park.com

EU arms manufacturers concern about dependency on Chinese raw materials as demand rises due to war in Ukraine – FT 6park.com

The Financial Times has found out about the European arms manufacturers’ concerns regarding their dependency on Chinese cotton used in gunpowder propellants. Possible supply constraints threaten the ability to expand production to support Ukraine in the war. 6park.com

Quote: "Demand for ammunition has soared with Ukraine consuming shells at high rates in its war against Russia. But defence contractors have struggled to scale up output because of supply chain constraints of various inputs, including nitrocellulose, also known as 'guncotton'." 6park.com

Details: The Financial Times noted that cotton linters are a byproduct and key ingredient necessary for nitrocellulose production used in artillery shells and other explosives.  6park.com

The Financial Times stated that leading arms manufacturers, including the Swedish Saab and the German Rheinmetall, warned that Europe is overly dependent on lint from China, which accounts for just under half of global trade。 6park.com

Armin Papperger, chief executive of Rheinmetall, told the Financial Times that Europe relies on China supplying "more than 70 per cent" of cotton fibre. "There is a risk [that China could withhold linters for geopolitical reasons]. And that is the reason why we buy as much as possible to fill our stocks," he said. 6park.com

贴主:甲骨于2024_04_08 8:07:54编辑
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