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送交者: mastGD[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2020-06-06 13:27 已读 1303 次  


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_George_Floyd#:~:text=The%20medical%20examiner's%20final%20findings,Floyd%20to%20%22neck%20compression%22. 6park.com

On the evening of Memorial Day, May 25, 2020, Floyd purchased cigarettes at Cup Foods, a store at the intersection of East 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. A store employee believed Floyd had paid with a counterfeit $20 bill.[5][8] 6park.com

Just before 8:00 p.m., two Cup Foods employees left the store and crossed the street to an SUV parked in front of a restaurant. Floyd was in the driver's seat and other adults were in the vehicle.[5]:1:25[8]:1:33[44] The employees demanded that Floyd return the cigarettes, and he refused.[8]:1:43[3] The interaction was filmed by the restaurant's security camera.[5]:0:49[8]:1:24[45][note 1]
At 8:01, a store employee called police to report that Floyd had passed "fake bills" and was "awfully drunk" and "not in control of himself".
At 8:08, Kueng and Lane briefly entered Cup Foods,[5]:1:41[8]:2:00 then crossed the street to Floyd's SUV.[5]:1:49 Lane drew his gun and ordered Floyd to put his hands on the steering wheel; Floyd complied and Lane holstered his weapon.[8]:2:10[3] Someone parked behind Floyd's SUV began recording a video at 8:10.[5]:1:56[8]:2:28 Following a brief struggle,[5]:2:10 Lane pulled Floyd from the SUV and handcuffed him.[8]:2:20 At 8:12, Kueng sat Floyd on the sidewalk against the wall in front of the restaurant.[5]:2:22[8]:2:33 According to criminal complaints filed against the officers by state prosecutors, Floyd was "calm" and said "thank you".[17][47] 6park.com

Chauvin kneels on Floyd's neck
At 8:13,[5]:2:30 Kueng and Lane told Floyd he was under arrest and walked him to their police car across the street.[47] Floyd fell to the ground next to the car; the officers picked him up and placed him against the car's door.[5]:2:42[8]:3:00 According to prosecutors, Floyd told the officers that he was not resisting, but that he was claustrophobic and did not want to sit in the car.[8]:3:10[17][47] A Minneapolis Park Police officer arrived and guarded Floyd's vehicle (across the street by the restaurant) and the two people who had been in it with Floyd.[5]:2:53[48] 6park.com

At 8:17, a third police car arrived with officers Derek Michael Chauvin and Tou Thao, who joined Kueng and Lane.[5]:3:32[8]:3:27 Chauvin assumed command.[17] According to prosecutors, Floyd told the officers he could not breathe while they tried to force him into the car.[47] Around 8:18, security footage from Cup Foods shows Kueng struggling with Floyd for at least a minute in the driver side backseat while Thao watches.[5]:3:54[8]:3:49 At 8:19, standing on the passenger side of the vehicle, Chauvin pulled Floyd across the backseat from the driver side to the passenger side, then out of the car.[8]:3:56 Floyd, still handcuffed, fell to the pavement where he lay on his chest with his cheek to the ground.[3] Floyd stopped moving around 8:20, though he was still conscious.[5]:4:10 6park.com

External video
Witness video showing Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck on YouTube (10 min)
Multiple witnesses began to film the encounter; their videos were circulated widely on the internet.[8]:4:06[3] At 8:20, a witness across the intersection began recording video showing Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck, Kueng applying pressure to Floyd's torso, and Lane applying pressure to Floyd's legs, while Thao stood nearby.[5]:4:13[8]:4:11[3] The witness stopped filming when one of the officers ordered him to leave.[8]:4:35 Also at 8:20, a second person, standing near the entrance of Cup Foods, began recording the incident.[5]:4:26[8]:5:08[21] Floyd can be heard repeatedly saying "I can't breathe", "Please", and "Mama";[3][5]:4:44[8]:4:28 Floyd repeated at least 16 times that he could not breathe.[8]:5:46 At one point a witness said: "You got him down. Let him breathe."[49] After Floyd said, "I'm about to die", Chauvin told him to "relax".[50] The police ask Floyd, "What do you want?"; Floyd answered, "I can't breathe".[51] Floyd states: "Please, the knee in my neck, I can't breathe."[50] 6park.com

At approximately 8:22, the officers called for an ambulance on a non-emergency basis, escalating the call to emergency status a minute later.[5]:4:50[8]:4:42 Chauvin continued to kneel on Floyd's neck.[8]:5:15 A passerby yelled to Floyd, "Well, get up, get in the car, man", and Floyd, still handcuffed and face down on the pavement, responded, "I can't", while Chauvin's knee remained on his neck.[8]:5:26 Floyd cried out "Mama!" twice.[52][51] Floyd said, "My stomach hurts, my neck hurts, everything hurts", requested water,[51] and begged, "Don't kill me."[53] One witness pointed out that Floyd was bleeding from the nose.[54] Another told the officers that Floyd was "not even resisting arrest right now".[21] Thao countered that Floyd was "talking, he's fine"; a witness replied that Floyd "ain't fine".[54][55] The witness protested: "Get him off the ground ... You could have put him in the car by now. He's not resisting arrest or nothing. You're enjoying it. Look at you. Your body language explains it."[54] As Floyd continued to cry for help, Thao said to witnesses: "This is why you don't do drugs, kids."[56] 6park.com

By 8:25, Floyd appeared unconscious, and bystanders confronted the officers about Floyd's condition. Chauvin pulled out mace to keep bystanders away as Thao moved between them and Chauvin.[57][58] Bystanders were repeatedly yelling that Floyd was "not responsive right now" and urging police to check his pulse.[5]:5:22[8]:6:53[3] Kueng checked Floyd's wrist but could not find a pulse.[3] The officers did not attempt to provide Floyd with any medical assistance.[8]:6:46 According to the criminal complaint against Chauvin, Lane asked Chauvin twice if they should move Floyd onto his side,[13] and Chauvin said no.[8]:7:02 A witness asked, "Did they fucking kill him?"[59] 6park.com

Medical response and death
At 8:27 p.m., a Hennepin County ambulance arrived.[5]:5:56[8]:7:11 Shortly thereafter, a young relative of the owner of Cup Foods attempted to intervene, but was pushed back by Thao.[5]:6:03 Emergency medical technicians checked Floyd's pulse.[8]:7:17 Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck for almost a minute after the ambulance had arrived, despite Floyd being unresponsive.[8]:7:21 When he finally did lift his knee, it had been there for eight minutes and forty-six seconds.[5]:6:27[8]:7:28[3] Around 8:29, Floyd, still motionless, was loaded into the ambulance which departed for Hennepin County Medical Center.[5]:6:35[8]:7:43[3] 6park.com

En route, the ambulance requested assistance from the Minneapolis Fire Department.[5]:6:35[8]:7:43[3] At 8:32, firefighters arrived at Cup Foods;[5]:6:56[8]:7:56 according to their report, the police officers gave no clear information regarding Floyd's condition or whereabouts, which delayed their ability to find the ambulance.[8]:7:56[60] Meanwhile, the ambulance carrying Floyd reported that he was entering cardiac arrest and again requested assistance, asking firefighters to meet them at the corner of 36th Street and Park Avenue. Five minutes later, the fire department reached the ambulance;[8]:8:10 two fire department medics who boarded the ambulance found Floyd unresponsive and pulseless.[5]:6:56 6park.com

Floyd was pronounced dead at 9:25 at the Hennepin County Medical Center emergency room.[5]:7:12[8]:8:28[3][61]
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