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送交者: abpro168[★★R999★★] 于 2022-02-26 22:32 已读 630 次 2 赞  


韦伯望远镜重大里程碑:18块镜片完成分段对齐(图) 6park.com

https://www.6parknews.com/newspark/view.php?app=news&act=view&nid=535011 6park.com

James Webb Space Telescope Delivers Splendid Star Image as Mirrors Align

NASA reports Webb's critical mirror alignment process is coming along beautifully. 6park.com


Amanda Kooser 

Feb. 25, 2022 1:04 p.m. PT 6park.com

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The "image stacking" phase of the Webb telescope alignment involves the creation of a single unified image out of multiple images. This is 18 segments stacked to show a single star.

When we saw one of the James Webb Space Telescope's first images earlier this month, it was made up of 18 versions of the same star coming from 18 different mirrors. On Friday, NASA shared a view of that star again, but this time as a single, shining object.

It's one thing to build and launch a big, complex, next-gen space telescope. It's another to shepherd it through a complicated deployment so it can take a proper look at the universe. Webb is in the middle of a multi-phase mirror alignment and it's going swimmingly so far. The goal is to get all of Webb's many mirrors working together as one.

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