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送交者: 河山依旧[♀☆★★妙明真心★★☆♀] 于 2020-07-10 18:44 已读 1001 次  


1. They are many but we are few.
2. We will aid each other in difficulty and rescue each other in danger.
3. He is capable enough to rule the world but wicked enough to bring trouble to it.
4. The state cannot be without its ruler, not even for one day.
5. You have the talents to rule the air and control the seas.
6. The clever bird choose the best branch on which to perch and the wise official selects the worthy master to serve.
7. If you don't seize the chance when it comes, you will only repent when it's too late. 6park.com

穿插一个small businesses 可能用得到的信息,PPP (paycheck protection program), MSLP (Main Street lending program). 前者是针对small business的短期援助项目,后者是长期的。需要的话自己搜一下,看看当地哪家银行可以申请。
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