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送交者: 河山依旧[♀☆★★妙明真心★★☆♀] 于 2020-07-11 10:46 已读 48 次  


回答: 拜登在环保和医保方面的政治主张 由 河山依旧 于 2020-07-11 10:24

Economic Policy 6park.com

Biden has positioned himself as a champion of the middle class, warning that decreasing economic opportunity and mobility is worsening the polarization and radicalization of American life. He believes that a robust economy enables the United States to lead the world, saying that “economic security is national security.” 6park.com

He argues that the “basic bargain” with workers has broken down, and that economic globalization has had major downsides. He says globalization has “hollowed out” the middle class, led to the loss of millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs, and accelerated inequality.
He says the 2017 tax-reform law makes these problems worse by cutting taxes for the wealthiest individuals. He wants to repeal the 2017 bill, instead raising taxes on investments and other passive income and increasing middle-class benefits like the child tax credit.
He wants to invest trillions of dollars into American infrastructure. He proposes putting $1.7 trillion, which he says would be generated by reversing the 2017 tax cuts, toward clean energy and other infrastructure.
He has consistently proposed major reforms to U.S. education, pushing for free community college and vocational training, as well as free public four-year college. He says this is essential for U.S. workers to compete internationally and adapt in an economy under pressure from automation and other technological disruptions.
He proposes policies to strengthen worker leverage in the marketplace: banning noncompete rules, ending wage secrecy, and implementing a national $15 per hour minimum wage.
He wants to do more to challenge monopolies, arguing that the Trump administration has been weak on antitrust. He has said he is open to the federal government breaking up dominant firms like Facebook.
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